FSCJ Spring 2014 hopeful

U.S.A. Florida


I haven't found anything for spring 2014 hopefuls so I wanted to put it out there and meet any other applicants. I am currently taking chem over the summer & I am enrolled in micro for fall. I took my NAT yesterday. I will be applying in Aug for a spring start with 204.32 points. I am hoping to make it in spring rather than having to finish micro and need those points, pushing me back to summer start. Almost 2 years of pre-reqs and sweating it out, it's almost our turn to apply :yes: I am stoked!!!

I received my acceptance packet over the weekend. =) However I also found out that I am pregnant. We are beyond ecstatic but, it is quite bittersweet. From what I've read, you're expected to go through the program, start to finish, without breaks. I'm going to talk to them this afternoon and see what my next step should be. I also requested n/w and seeing as though they aren't offering that option this semester, it will be verrrrry difficult for me.[/quote']

Congratulations on the baby & acceptance. Good luck ?

I also took it twice and tooj my paper with the highest score and turned it in.

Thanks guys! that makes a lot more sense. I really don't want to take it again..LOL. But there aren't that may seats usually for n&w..i've heard its usually in the mid 20's. So thats really not that much. I've heard the people with the highest points get their first pick.

Does anyone know what the cutoff was?

I took the NAT twice, and I turned in both of the test results. The lady at the front desk said that they will take the best score of each individual section (i.e. reading) between the two tests. So turn both of your test results in! : )

Does anybody know what the cut off date is? I was wondering if it's lower than 182..

The cutoff was 176.96.

The cutoff was 176.96.

How did you find out just wondering :)

I called the college today.

The cutoff was 176.96.

Wow! That's the lowest it has been in a while!!

Wow! The cutoff was really low. I hope I have a shot next semester if the trend continues.

I wonder why, do you think it's the semester or a change in times? I'm not going to lie, the lower the cutoff the better chances I might have but I don't want it to look like the standard of applicants has dropped.

I called the college today.

Oh ok :) I was just CURIOUS myself :)

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