FSCJ Nursing-Summer 2015

U.S.A. Florida


I haven't seen any thread for Summer 2015 Nursing Program for FSCJ, so I decided to create this one. There has been slight changes made to the program and to the prerequisite requirements.

Is anyone else planning to apply for the program? Any tips?

Words of encouragement?

Have you taken the HESI?

Is this your first time shooting to the program?

Be Positive Future Nurses!!:up:

Got my packet today!!! :) Congrats ladies!! See you soon!!

Congrats!!! What county do you live in? I'm in St. Johns. It just has to come today...ehhh

I'm in Duval county. I almost grabbed it out of the mailman's hand but I let him put it in the box so he didn't think I was this crazy person! Haha

Oh my!!!! If I were home I'd probably set up a lawn chair right next to my mailbox. I don't know that I'd have as much control as you though :)

No mail again today! Uughh! I have to wait another day!!

Oh no!!! :scrying:

Hopefully you will get yours!

I'M IN!!! I'M IN!!! I'M IN!!! :roflmao::roflmao:

Could someone tell me does the degree audit need to be printed and submitted with the application? TIA!!😃


Hi Kristin, the degree audit does not need to get submitted with your application. They only want a copy of your "unofficial transcript". Let me know if you need help finding it. :)

I wonder what the cutoff point is? looks like everybody's score is at 195+.

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