Frustrated with Drs ordering unneeded test

Nurses General Nursing

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I posted last week that I was upset about my 81 yr old grandma needing a bone marrow biopsy due to a low sed rate and low HGB.

Well results in and perfectly fine/normal. Tx: 2 iron pills a day with meals.

Does it matter that I suggested "well lets just have her take an iron pill Qd and see what her HGB is in a month?" Dr said, grandma must do. I argued with my Aunts (who of course can do no wrong and know all) and Aunt said " I know this Doc he wouldnt order the test if it wasnt needed"....Yes Iam glad she is fine, but did she really need to go through that?

How many times a day do we see patients having un needed tests/procedures? A ton. I understand the logic that to CYA of the Doc they must suggest these test so that 6mos later the family doesnt come back and sue because Grandma had aplastic anemia and did not get proper tx. But really are consents true consents? Do Drs explain here is what may happen with procedure, here is what may happen with out?

So it is really frustrating to me. We had a 97 year old ahlz/unable to walk/talk/eat pt in the other day who had a peg tube placed, it was discovred she has gallstones, so lap chole done, 2 days later she died. Was that surgery needed?

Specializes in Critical Care.

Is a test only unneeded because in hindsight the result was negative? What if the test picked up something?

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