Friends are frustrating me..Anyone in same situation?


I had a rough first year because I was constantly studying, and my friends didn't seem to understand why I had to study so hard as I am "only" going to be a nurse. They're going to school too, but they manage to find time for friends and family and such, so they don't understand why I can't too. I tell them that nursing is very intense courses, but they are like "oh well so are mine". I'm getting very frustrating with constantly saying that I'm busy and having nobody understand why I'm so busy. Just a vent I guess, and I'm wondering if others are in similar situations?

Only nursing students will be able to understand what you're going through. That being said, you should take a couple of dosage calculations problems and a few of the critical thinking problems from your texbooks and give them to your friends. Tell them to answer the questions. Your response to their dumbfounded expresions should be "Yea. This is why I have to study all the time. Now leave me alone about it." I usually (halfway jokingly) tell my freinds to go party without me...I'll see them when I graduate.

Specializes in OB, NP, Nurse Educator.

My room-mate while I was in nursing school was studying political science and wanted to be a member of the White House Diplomatic Corp :uhoh3: . She nagged me all the time about how "boring" I was until one day I told her that I doubted anyone in the Western World would die if she didn't courtsey at the appropriate minute when the Queen of England came into the room. She started laughing and never said another word to me about it. It just comes with the territory.

Wow thats weird, I seen some similar posts like this about friends not getting it about nursing school. It has to just be certain area's because where i live everyone knows that nursing is an intense difficult major.

Specializes in NICU.

Wow thanks so much for all the great replies! Next time my friends bug me I'll just tell them that my job is important because it's a matter of life or death. Eventually they'll understand that nursing is more than just bed baths and bringing people blankets.

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