Friend's BP


Specializes in Nurse Practitioner-Emergency Room.


I've been an ER nurse for nearly 3 years, and I am currently a nurse practitioner student, so I know my friend values my opinion. Still, I just wanted to have some backup on here so I can show him how important it is he do something about his blood pressure. My friend is just 30 years old. The lowest I have ever seen his BP is the 150s over 80s. Checked it the other night, it was 170/104. I've been telling him for months he needs to see a doc about this, so he wouldn't have a heart attack or stroke at such a young age. As far as I know, he doesn't have a family history of heart problems or even HTN. I told him that if I was out of school, I'd go ahead and prescribe him something. Still, he says he feels fine other than feeling a little worn down at times. I've tried and tried, but he isn't listening. Could you guys please reemphasize this point on here, so I can show him the importance of treatment. For the record, he's 30 years old, he's about six foot three, weighs approximately 265-270. He exercises occasionally (we go to the gym and weight train, he goes sometimes). No family history, non-smoker, non-drinker (not even occasionally), has a girlfriend but never been married, no children. No other medical problems other than a recent treatment for "mild" pneumonia and bronchitis.

Specializes in ICU, Psych.

Your friend needs one advice the most, one you must try to convince him to do: Go and see his doctor(or get a doctor).

HTN can have several causes, from kidney problems to you name it ! The underlying cause needs to be investigated. In some patients the Docs never do find a single reason for the HTN, but regardless, it MUST be treated.

Tell your friend that this kind of pressure over time can and most likely will cause damage to important organs like the kidneys, eyes, heart, vessels, i could go on. Not to mention the sudden death option from a stroke.

Did I mention that your friend should see a doctor?

Specializes in geriatrics.

Even if he isn't feeling any ill effects from his high BP now, it is best to treat his HTN now before any problems arise. If he waits to treat it, he may get more than he bargained for. How hard is it to take a pill and avoid all the future problems that may arise from the years of high BP? I would recommend getting an appointment and getting treated for this.

Specializes in ICU, CCU,Wound Care,LTC, Hospice, MDS.

What convinced me as a Wound Nurse that my mild hypertension needed to be treated was realizing it is affecting the tiny vessels in my feet (and eyes). I've seen enough problems caused by poor circulation! I don't think your friend's is considered mild under the new guidelines.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Wondering if the pulmonary issues were in fact the beginnings of CHF?

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

Your friend is going to die young -- unless he grows up and starts taking care of his health. Those are his only 2 choices: die young or be smart and take responsibility for himself. The choice is his I hope he chooses to live.

I've never had ANY symptoms with my high BP -- but it was still high. But now I take 2 meds per day and it is perfectly normal.

Specializes in Urgent Care.

Ok, I'm going to get alot of crap about this but I'll say it anyway, it worked on a friend of mine. but you have to have the right kind of PERSONAL relation ship for this to work. It's time to shock him, 'cause reason ain't worked yet, and isnt likely too.

I gave him a loaded gun, and told him if he used it on himself it would be quicker and easier way to die, for himself and those close to him, than what was going to happen if he ignored this problem.

My dads doctor asked him to make a list of things he really wanted/needed to do. Then told him to hurry up and get them checked off, because he was not going to have much time to accomplish them. That worked too.

Some people have to be figuretlivy slapped in the head to realize what the consequences are.

Hi. I actually work as an NP in HTN and nephrology.

This is what I tell my HTN people who don't think they need an evaluation.

Kidney failure is a direct consequence of poorly (note not even uncontrolled) B/P. Dialysis is a tragic consequence for denial and stupidity.

Strokes are devastating. If your friend doesn't think he needs attention ask him to visualize himself getting fed by you once he's had one.

Fatigue is a SYMPTOM of high B/P. I am not sure why folks aren't told this but it is.

Also, isolated B/P reading should never be recognized at HTN. A journal is so useful and resting for a few minutes before taking it is optimal.

I am a fan of the tough love approach and since you've banged your head against the wall and your friend seems to be in denial.

Last. . .i woud suggest that once he goes on a medication his lab work is followed closely. If he is put on an ACE or an ARB and his kidney function changes it may be a sign of significant renovasuclar HTN which needs close follow up.

GOod luck. Have him find a good doc/NP who you consider knowledgable. Dying young is devastating and as we all know. . .it does happen.

Specializes in Utilization Management.

Just heard about an older gent who didn't want to pay for the cost of blood pressure meds. Figured, If I die, I die. Whatever.

He's now in the ICU in a permanent vegetative state caused by the massive stroke he had. He could live years like this.

Your friend might want to do something about it -- while he still can.

Specializes in Emergency Room.

I think the thing that strikes me most is that you friend has HTN despite the fact that he appears to take good care of himself. A 30 year old non-smoking, non-drinking, occasional exerciser who isn't significantly overweight shouldn't have high blood pressure. He needs to get it figured out now so it can be treated.

I agree with above posters - information on the soon to be felt symptoms, and the permanent damage HTN can cause - may help. Good luck, and bless you for caring about your friend.

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