Frequent Fliers...seeking ENEMAS!

Specialties Emergency


Do you folks have your fair share of older folks c/o constipation? Sometimes coming in numerous times for enemas, laxatives, etc?

Don't get me wrong, I know from experience that this can be quite painful... but isn't there somewhere else for them to go? I'm guessing not, because it's not like you can get a GI MD appt overnight, I'm sure a PMD can't help too much, and a lot of these patients lack transportation for medical appointments. Plus some of them are on opiates and other medications which add to the problem.

Do you see the same type of patients at your facility?

It can just be frustrating as I deal with the 90 year old crotchety man who is demanding a "regimen" to relieve his constipation, even though this is my 3rd time personally dealing with him as a patient... and he has yet to follow up with his GI doctor. Just seems like going to the ETD several times a month is not appropriate.

With this being said, I'll take the older folk over the 23 year old female who hasn't had a BM in 3 days and usually has one daily... :facepalm:

Specializes in Peds/Neo CCT,Flight, ER, Hem/Onc.

We had a guy who came in weekly but only wanted it to be given by a pretty, young nurse.:barf02:

Hence my young lady with a mild headache. Seemed like your typical migraine workup and she had 5/10 HA and no other real complaints. Okay, labs, reglan, and CT....then discharge home. NOPE! 36 years old and HUGE brain mass with shift! :eek:

I remember the time we had a younger woman with vague complaints of memory loss and rib pain. We thought she was just one of those "unique" individuals that live in our small community. Turned out she had a large brain mass with mets to the lungs and liver. We felt like horrible human beings, but it was a valuable reminder to reserve judgment.

Give it to them and make sure it is one they don't forget and won't come back asking again.

Specializes in ER.

Hey, I'll administer an enema any day. Beats digital disimpaction...

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