Published Nov 12, 2008
37 Posts
:heartbeatMy Final is December 15th 2008. I attend a community college RN program. I have done consistently well, have felt confident enough in my skills as a student. I understand the concepts and rationales (as much as a student can!!) I have felt undying passion for nursing. And then, in clinical this week, I fell apart. I was fumbling with IV bags etc. I was in a fog. Nothing to cause harm, but just a sense of "what the heck is going on??" The realization of the finality is hitting me. The warm comfort of school is ending.
I have given nursing school EVERYTHING. Sacrificed every aspect of my life. this is all i have ever wanted to do. I even want to continue my education. I have been level headed up to this point, so now I turn to
How do you put it all together???
Is this normal?
Thank you !
1,237 Posts
I wish my NS felt like "warm comfort"
right now I cant wait to be a real RN so I dont have someone breathing down my neck all the time and can advocate for my patients without being ignored but I think I understand what you mean--having all that responsibility will be damn scary. I think everyone feels that way on some level. I dont know about you, but I think I perform better without a clinical instructor interrogating me through every step so I think I might be less scared hehe, but I also know I can always ask my coworkers/preceptor if I am lost. you'll be okay :) it will just take time. congrats :)
284 Posts
It normal, my graduation day is Dec 12th. About a couple of months ago, it hit me, I am almost done and I got very nervous, I just feel that I am not ready to be on my own yet, from what older nurses tell me, that's a normal feeling and It's ok. So hang in their and good luck to u and your new career. Oh and my last nursing content is Nov 13th and my final clinical is Nov 16th. So wish me luck
Pebbles-Good Luck to You!!! OMG! how exciting!
Maggio-I know!! fortunatly I have had awesome instructors this semester. I have had instructors up to this point who have made me feel incompentent and nervous!! Good luck to you and thanks for the moral support!!!
3 Posts
Wow! good luck I wish I was almost done, Im taking anatomy and physiology and medical dosage, and applied for candidacy for the nursing, hope I make it in with ease and grace, cant wait to finsh.
Nurse 2009
38 Posts
:heartbeatMy Final is December 15th 2008. I attend a community college RN program. I have done consistently well, have felt confident enough in my skills as a student. I understand the concepts and rationales (as much as a student can!!) I have felt undying passion for nursing. And then, in clinical this week, I fell apart. I was fumbling with IV bags etc. I was in a fog. Nothing to cause harm, but just a sense of "what the heck is going on??" The realization of the finality is hitting me. The warm comfort of school is ending. I have given nursing school EVERYTHING. Sacrificed every aspect of my life. this is all i have ever wanted to do. I even want to continue my education. I have been level headed up to this point, so now I turn to How do you put it all together???Is this normal? Thank you !
My graduation is Dec. 11th and I feel the same way! I am very nervous but very excited. All of the places that I have looked into have anywhere from 2-6 month training/orientation so that helps me to feel a little better about not being thrown right out there. We all have bad days! It is normal. We are almost done though. We have worked very hard. Congrats to all who have made it this far and are ready to graduate!
Congrats 2 u violet626, This is a very exciting time in our lives and we should cherris this momemt 4ever. Although it seemed 2 take forever, we have accomplished so much in such a short time. U are home free now. Good luck 2 u and the boards
26 Posts
Congrats! I graduate on December 18th and i feel the same way, and like the others have said i have also been told that the feeling is normal. Im hoping that when i pass my boards and get a job i will feel better once i start my training orientation, good luck to you!!:nuke:
:nurse:Yeah for us!!!! whoo hoo!! what an accomplishment!!!