

ICU of all kinds, CVICU, Cath Lab, ER.

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About walk6miles

walk6miles specializes in ICU of all kinds, CVICU, Cath Lab, ER..

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  1. We may need fewer nurses in the hospital...

    Hello I've been out of bedside nursing for a bit over a year. I just read the first five replies and gave up. I think I have landed on another planet. My family practitioner said to my family member: "never argue with an old nurse - you won't wi...
  2. Sounds like great advice on the part of members...i will reiterate: don't let someone else (especially someone who has no business whatsoever) dictate your dreams. Do your very best even if it means getting a tutor today; show the professor you ar...
  3. ANGRY...venting

    As part of your display of "professional behaviour", you must learn to keep your composure at all times. Attack the problem NOT the person. Accept responsibility willingly and with confidence. Do NOT ever, ever, ever discuss any other employee's ...
  4. Did anyone see the CNN story (also on Nancy (shreaking) Grace ) where they interviewed a physician over the ER that made a mother wait with her desparetly ill baby? They made the mom and child wait in the waiting room for FIVE hours and as a result, ...
  5. Nurse asked to testify for terminated employee

    Best advice: SEE A LAWYER; one who specializes in employment law. Good luck.
  6. Fired. Will I ever work again?

    The replies about being targetted for termination due to age and payroll are unfortunately exactly right. I will tell you my story when my situation is fixed (and it won't be much longer).............. Keep your head on straight, get a lawyer, try ...
  7. Night Shift

    It takes the body an average of six months to "adjust" to night shift. I would suggest that you not take a travel assignment that requires night shift if you have not worked it consistently for that period of time. Some adjust quickly to a change ...
  8. Wife wants all-female personnel in OR. Is this reasonable?

    The only thing to be seen is the operative area..........patients are drapped and covered.
  9. When patients attack

    Three times and all in the ER. First time, an unrestrained prisoner brought in by police....she had both hands on my throat and the officer who brought her in was extremely embarrassed......eeeeek!! Attempted to slap my face with her foot.........sa...
  10. Massive RN Layoffs

    Me thinks there is a foul odor to thy posting!! Thee should never think thy readers are shallow and without their wits......begone, imposter!!
  11. extremely dissapointed

    Am I missing part of the original message? How did you find out that "then I got a call for the second interview.....an HR error"?
  12. Stop yelling! (vent)

    I am specially "impressed" with family members who ask me (the critical care RN) to find and bring in a chair for another able bodied visitor. I always say "soon as I can" but honestly, what am I supposed to do about my two (yes, I said TWO) other ...
  13. Anyone else studying for CCRN exam?

    Back in the "old" days, I used a casette player during my daily run or walk and listened to Gasparis on casette tape.... I still have them but I guess mp players are in now and casette players are out..... I also put my notes on casette tape...anyth...
  14. Help. Is my outrage justified?

    I feel very sorry for the student who is caught up in this problem - but more than her problem, I am astonished at the judgement of members without the input of this student. What gives??
  15. I think I just ended someone's career

    I commend you for standing up for what is right. First of all, the nurse should have been placed in a quiet room with someone at her side. Some states require immediate (after processing) escort to treatment center. At any rate and despite our gr...