I often go to these websites for information when answering posts. Now, you can go to these websites for information yourself. Many of these sites have good patient teaching materials if you search the sites for them. Use the search boxes, menu bars and the links on some of these sites to find more useful information on them. Government Sponsored Sites Medline Plus (use the search box) Better Health Healthy Living (Australian) Healthfinder Healthfinder Health Topics A-Z (library) Office on Women's Health Office on Women's Health A-Z Health Topics U.S. National Library of Medicine (NIH) National Institutes of Health (NIH) NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices NIH National Cancer Institute - everything you need to know about any kind of cancer is here NIH National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases - massive information about diabetes and kidney disease is here National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) - information about heart and lung diseases and testing as well as sleep disorders NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) A-Z Index U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - national guidelines clearinghouse for guidelines on procedures, etc. Drug & Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA) New York Online Access to Health (NOAH) - also in Spanish World Health Organization (WHO) - numerous topics including tropical disease information Physician Sponsored Sites Family Practice Notebook (use search box and input a disease) Medscape eMedicine (you may have to register to view articles, but registration is free) Medicine Net Diseases & Conditions A to Z Index eMedicineHealth Topics A - Z WebMD Health A-Z (index list of medical conditions) The Doctor's Doctor (created by pathologists to inform the public about the role of pathologists and to give patients access to interpretations of their medical reports, particularly laboratory tests and surgical pathology reports) familydoctor.org (diseases and conditions filtered by alphabet) familydoctor.org (men's health) The Imaging of Tropical Diseases surgicaltutor.org.uk (links are at left and top of page) surgicaltutor.org.uk (clinical tutorials ) Color Atlas of Medical Diseases Medical Images.com (medical and scientific images) The Merck Manual for the Professional Online Medical Textbooks Cardiology Explained Surgical Treatment Evidenced-Based and Problem-Oriented Endocrinology an Integrated Approach Atlas of Diseases of the Kidney Medical Microbiology Clinical Methods: the History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations Consumer/Patient Information Encyclopedia of Surgery Narconon - drug addiction and rehab The Mayo Clinic Merck Manual Consumer Version Stanford Health Library Online Video Collection - health-related lectures, classes, and other health-related presentations available online University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health Library - diseases and conditions, procedures, patient education materials, etc. NorthShore University HealthSystem Health Encyclopedia University of Chicago Medical Center Online Health Library University of Michigan Health Service - Health and Wellness topics A to Z Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health - Healthwise Library AACC LAB TESTS ONLINE Patient Resources WebMD My Electronic MD answers.com MedlinePlus: Video & Tools American College of Physicians Patient Education Resources and Tools Verywell Health - Health A-Z Johns Hopkins Medicine (common surgical procedures and surgical care) Diagnostic Studies (Lab, X-ray, Other) MedicineNet Procedures and Tests Index WebMD Tests A-Z Lab Tests Online - Healthcare Professionals The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education Amersham Health Centre (UK) Harvard Health Publishing Diagnostic Tests and Medical Procedures Obstetrics The Brookside Associates - Obstetrics and Gynecology Medscape - Obstetrics and Gynecology American Heart Association - Fetal Circulation University of Rochester Medical Center - Blood Circulation in the Fetus and Newborn National Center for Biotechnology Information - Placental Blood Circulation Quizlet - Obstetrics and the Newborn (flash cards) ACOG - Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring During Labor CS Mott Children's Hospital Michigan Medicine - Cervical Effacement and Dilatation Tutorials from Harvard Medical School (virtual patient, normal pregnancy) Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research - Pregnancy in Diabetics Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research - Gestational Diabetes University of Chicago Medicine - Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Michigan Medicine - Obstetrics and Gynecology The University of Kansas Health System - High Risk Pregnancy Pediatrics Online Pediatric Surgery Handbook General Pediatrics (common pediatric health issues) Pediatric Education.org - Pediatric Differential Diagnoses University of Chicago Medical Center (online health library pediatric subjects) C.S. Mott Children's Hospital Michigan Medicine ("your child") Kids Health (huge informational website by Nemours Foundation; also in Spanish) Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health Healthwise Library familydoctor.org - Infants and Toddlers Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development (GUCCHD) eMedicine (Medscape) - Pediatrics: General Medicine Miscellaneous Medscape - Drug Interaction Checker Medscape - Pill Identifier Medscape - Interactive Diagnostic Modules 2 Down Vote Up Vote × About Daytonite, BSN, RN BSN, RN - Specialty areas include: Medical-Surgical, Telemetry, IV therapy, Management, Student Assistance, Educator 1 Article 14,604 Posts Share this post Share on other sites