forgot to do a treatment...


yesterday while at work I set out to do all my treatments, we have a new lady who's had back surgery and her treatment is to change her dressing daily...when I went to check in on her and do her treatment she had company in her room...the room was filled with visitors, so not wanting to be rude and ask everyone to step out I decided to come back later...I went on to do other treatments, and got busy helping other residents...I didn't get the chance to change her dressing. Well today it got reported to the Adm that her dressing had not been change, and tomorrow we have a mandatory meeting so I'm sure I'm going to get chewed out by him. I just don't know what to say. I'll be honest with him that no the treatment did not get done, but I know no matter what I say it'll all be excuses and he won't want to hear it. I just keep kicking myself for not asking her company to step out so that I could get her dressing done right then and there. Ugh.

Specializes in Acute Care Cardiac, Education, Prof Practice.

This is just a simple live and learn. Let them give you the speech, accept responsibility and enjoy the rest of your day!



Specializes in Hospice, LTC, Rehab, Home Health.

Calmly state the facts about what occurred and your reasoning behind the choice you made. Then treat it as a learning experience - state what you intend to do in the future; which would be to ask the patient if the visitors could step out while you do the treatment-if the patient states s/he wants to visit then chart the treatment as refused and move on. Don't beat yourself up too badly - this isn't the first time a treatment was missed and won't be the last!:icon_hug:

It sounds like you work in a nursing home. I've never worked in one so I don't know how it works, but are the treatments solely a dayshift responsibility? There is more than one shift... do other shifts not check to make sure treatments got done? Even in a nursing home, if a patient recently had surgery, I would think other shifts should be assessing her dressings and wounds? It seems a little harsh to get chewed out if this is the first time you've done this and no harm was done. I'm sure you won't forget again!

I agree with the last post. How many other her nurses did this pass by? Her wound should have been assessed frequently. I'm assuming this is not a frequent issue that you have (cause your worried)...Relax...Did you sign off that the treatment was given? If you have to speak with them one on one then explain what happened and that by her being a new pt your routine was thrown off a bit as well. Good luck and don't stress

Specializes in LTC, Memory loss, PDN.

What a sad environment to work in (but all too common). If anyone observes a drsg change was not done on the previous shift, I would like to think that the drsg would be changed right then and there and if anything, ask the previous nurse if he/she is aware of the order and if it's a situation like the OP's it's time to tease the daylights out of 'em, but not run to the big bad adm. who will rain acid and phosphorus on that coworker. As other's have posted, accept responsibility, present your plan to avoid repeats and if you come across a situation like this, take the high road.

Have been in this position also, even passed it on in report to the next shift. Unfortunately she complained to the NM about it who reminded me to try to get these tasks done, if at all possible, during my shift. Try not to be too defensive about it and you should get away with a friendly reminder. Accepting resposibility shows professionalism. Don't let it get you down. I didn't!

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