Foreign exchange nursing degree?


So I'm from the United States(aka horrendous college costs). Next year I'll be going to community college, how ever I was wondering what if I go somewhere else, Canada(Because lets face it, I'm going if Trump wins). All joking aside will a foreign degree be valid in another country. Lets say I move somewhere after I get my degree, in community I'll be able to get my associates and be able to take my Nclex-Rn(or what ever that test is), will I be able to move away and be ok, or will I have to do something, take an additional exam?

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

Anything is possible. However, there is no such thing as a standardized international nursing curriculum. The International Council of Nurses has been focusing on this for decades. As far as the US is concerned, graduates of non-US program are considered "Foreign Graduates", and have a lot of hoops to jump through in order to become licensed in the US.

I do give you bonus points for creativity!

I apologize for having difficulty following your post, but it's not clear to me whether you're talking about getting a nursing degree in the US (ADN) and then going abroad, or going to school abroad and then returning to the US, or possibly considering both. In addition to what HouTX said about returning to the US with a foreign degree, I'll point out that most of the rest of the world requires a baccalaureate level degree for nursing licensure and doesn't recognize the US ADN. Best wishes!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Only US grants ADNs. Most other countries, including Canada, have BSN as entry to practice. As a non-citizen you will pay the higher rates of an international student often 3x the cost of a local resident, most countries require those on a student visa to provide proof of funds that are sufficient to cover cost of living, healthcare, tuition, fees, incidentals, room & board for the entire duration of your student visa (up front)

I apologize for having difficulty following your post, but it's not clear to me whether you're talking about getting a nursing degree in the US (ADN) and then going abroad, or going to school abroad and then returning to the US, or possibly considering both. In addition to what HouTX said about returning to the US with a foreign degree, I'll point out that most of the rest of the world requires a baccalaureate level degree for nursing licensure and doesn't recognize the US ADN. Best wishes!

Not sure..... I was just trying to figureout what to do.... Maybe get a degree foreign(Maybe not...) or moving I was just wondering what I would have to do. I mean after community I do plan on going back to get a BSN. My grades are horrible 10th grade was an awful year, I had a lot of problems....

As a general rule, it makes life a lot easier to take your nursing degree in whatever country you plan on practicing nursing. It's possible, sometimes, for people who trained in one country and end up, later, wanting or needing to migrate to another country, to get licensed, but I certainly would not recommend anyone take that path if s/he can avoid it.

Nursing degrees from a few countries "translate" easily into US licensure. Other countries have entirely different models of nursing education and practice and it's v. difficult to get licensed in the US. Additional education is required, and it's v. hard to find someplace that you can get the additional education. And vice versa. If you take a nursing degree in another country and return to the US, you will be considered an "international" or "foreign" graduate for your entire US career; you will have additional requirements, paperwork, and "hoops" to jump through for initial licensure, and again any time you want to move to a different US state. That's a lot of hassle to take on voluntarily.

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