For those who work while in school


Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

Hello! I'm entering nursing school (hopefully Fall 2009) as a career changer. I presently work full-time now. While I will be not be working at my present job while in school (too much overtime..and will not be able to study at work), I will need to work. I'm looking to probably try to get a job at a hospital or a low-key/flexible job. However, the job will depend on whether I'm in the day or evening program..which I can't decide!

My questions to you:

1) What program are you in - day or evening?

2) Why did you choose one over the other?

3) What job do you work while in school? How many hours?

4) Any extra input?

Thanks! I greatly appreciate it!:yeah:

I may not be the best comparison for you, but...

I am in an evening/weekend program for school. In order to be able to pay my bills, make the mortgage, etc, I have to work full-time and therefore my only real option.

I work in the computing department of a graduate school.

I work full-time, which is challenging.

basically, right now, just about every part of my life is completely regimented. i get up at the same time each day and follow the same routine. it's the only way that I can get everything done. no matter what you work or when you work, you will probably still need to be pretty disciplined to get everything in. I would also suggest that you make sure that you schedule time for you to just relax. every once in a while you need to just shut your brain off and do something fun. :D

I am in a BSN program fulltime during the day. I found that it left me nights to work and I am a night owl. I work part time as an EMT and do about 22 hrs a week. It has been doing okay for me so far. Good luck :)

I work full time and do a day BSN program. I chose the BSN program because it's the best program in my area and I was very lucky to get accepted into it. My husband and I agreed that if I had to quit my job I would just to attend this school. There was only one program in the area that had an evening/weekend program and it was a community college for a diploma degree, which wasn't what I really wanted. Luckily my work let's me flex my schedule. I work as a volunteer coordinator so I was working a few evenings a week anyway. During school I get up every morning at 4:30 or 5 and I either make it to the office to work or go to school to study before class by 7AM. Last semester there were days that I would go to work then go to school and then go back to work again. I work a full 40 hours a week, so most of my days consisted of leaving the house by 6:30AM and home around 8PM. However I am not in clinicals yet and I'm anticipating that I will have to find another job when clinicals start (one that allows me to work late at night or weekends).

My suggestions are be sure to get plenty of sleep, I have myself in bed by 11PM everynight. Study every free moment you have, my jobs involves a once a week morning long meeting, I would take my notes into the meeting with me and study whenever we had a break. Also, don't forget to do fun things! I refuse to let nursing school take over my life and not see my husband. Every Saturday we try to go out to dinner or go shopping basically just do things that have nothing to do with work or school. Saturdays ended up being my catch up day, I would do all the grocery shopping, laundry, and prepare meals for the next week.

There are so many people on these boards asking if it's possible to work and go to school and the answer is Yes, but only if you want it to be. As with anything in life if you want to do it you will make it happen. Good luck!

I am also in the same position you are change in school and needing to work to make ends meet....hope this helps

1. I'm in the day program full time.

2. I chose the day full time program because its 2 years and I just wanted to get it done. I was put on a wait list everywhere and waited around for about 3 years before I finally started. I work full time as well and pretty much have no time for anything but it is going by pretty quick and I didnt want to drag it out with a night program. Also i learn better during day hours...

3. I work as a Nursing Assistant at the local hospital. I work 32 hours a week. I work every single weekend during the semester and maybe 1 weekday. It all depends on my schedule. I was working a 16 hour shift every single Saturday first semester due to my class schedule. My shift is 3-1130.

4. With any job that you decide to take while in school, it is not always guaranteed that you'll be able to study while at work. I few times I can, especially if I am assigned a 1 to 1 and my patient is asleep for the full 8 hours. But like i said before...its not always guaranteed. Ive had assignments where i barely get the chance to use the rest room!! Its give or take. The pay if alright. I am a float aide so I am never in the same unit for the most part. Its great because you get to see a lot and when the nurses find out you are a student most are willing to show you things and explain things. Its why i chose to work in a hospital while in school. It helped so much in clinical in comparison to those students who didnt work in a hospital. Much luck to you!

Specializes in ICU, Telemetry.

Dayshift, tele/icu stepdown, fulltime, nights -- gotta eat, gotta pay bills

ADN LPN to RN bridge program, fulltime, days -- only option

I've got a friend who's a wood carver who made a little sign for my bedroom I use as a study/office/nervous breakdown retreat area:

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" -- and it's true to a point, no hope of a social life, no hope of doing anything but work and school

Luckily, it's not forever...

Hello! I'm entering nursing school (hopefully Fall 2009) as a career changer. I presently work full-time now. While I will be not be working at my present job while in school (too much overtime..and will not be able to study at work), I will need to work. I'm looking to probably try to get a job at a hospital or a low-key/flexible job. However, the job will depend on whether I'm in the day or evening program..which I can't decide!

My questions to you:

1) What program are you in - day or evening?

2) Why did you choose one over the other?

3) What job do you work while in school? How many hours?

4) Any extra input?

Thanks! I greatly appreciate it!:yeah:

1)I'm in full time day program.

2)This was the only choice in the school I applied to.

3.I work in retail/25 hours

Extra input~If you are well organized you can make it,it doesnt matter if you work or not...

...and the answer for me is

my questions to you:

1) what program are you in - day or evening?

2) why did you choose one over the other?

3) what job do you work while in school? how many hours?

4) any extra input?

i am in the weekend/evening option program. i work full time and go to nursing school. i am

[color=#00bfff]two courses away from graduating.

[color=#00bfff]i chose this program because i had no other choice. like many other students i have to work

[color=#00bfff]to pay the bills. classes are on tuesdays at 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm.. and may run a few minutes

[color=#00bfff]late. i am married and have no kids. my husband is great- he works full time and attends

[color=#00bfff]college as well/ we both help eachother with everything.


[color=#00bfff]i hold a clerical position in a doctors office- i work 40 hrs a week.


[color=#00bfff]nursing is my passion ...

..everyone asks the same thing...

[color=#00bfff]how do you do it?? to be honest ... there is no explanation... i just do it.


[color=#00bfff]it is definitly not life and everything else was put on the first semester

[color=#00bfff]went by i learned how to juggle everyone and everything else in my life. you will have friends &

[color=#00bfff]family that give you a guilt trip for not spending time with them..believe will. eventually

[color=#00bfff]they understand. you have to organize a time for studying a time for fun and time for you. if

[color=#00bfff]my husband was not in my life... i would have never taken those little retreat times for myself!

[color=#00bfff]there were times when i would be studying for hours...frustrated and my husband just looked

[color=#00bfff]at me and said lets' go...we need to get you away from your books.


[color=#00bfff]the craziness and the stress is all worth it !! there will be many times ...when you feel that

[color=#00bfff]you can no longer handle it.. and you literally break down in tears b/c of the frustration..

[color=#00bfff]but believe me... you will find the inner strength and continue....

[color=#00bfff]"there is a light at the end of the tunnel"

[color=#00bfff]hope this helped

[color=#00bfff]wishing you the best of luck!!!

Specializes in CTICU/CVICU.

Thank you all!! These have been some great, and inspiring, responses!! I think I'm going to end up substitute teaching during the day, going to school in the evening and working at the hospital as a unit secretary (which I did before) or nursing assistant at night on the weekends.

I know it's going to be ROUGH..but I know that I can do it!

hey there! congrats about starting nursing school next year!! ok, so here are my answers:

1) What program are you in - day or evening? I am in a day program with classes usually once a week and clinicals once a week (for now) from 645-400. It's not too bad

2) Why did you choose one over the other? We were able to choose our instructors and days, but eveyone has the same schedule as far as times

3) What job do you work while in school? How many hours? When I first started nursing school, I had just started working at Publix 2 months later. They are pretty good with working around my school schedule and I never had any conflcts, even when i had to change it several time. I still work there like 2x a week during holiday breaks, but I now work mainly at the hospital as a student nurse/tech/aidre... whatever they want to call it. I had to wait until my junior year. I am in cetralized staffing so I make my own schedule which is great!

4) Any extra input? Whatever job you get, make sure they understand that your school work comes first even though you may need the money (gotta pay those bills). If you don't your grades will show!!! Good luck!

Specializes in Psych.

I am in the day program at the local community college, which I chose because it finishes a semester earlier. I work 37.5 hrs/wk on a behavioral health ward at a local hospital (every Saturday and Sunday, and either Monday or Friday, 12.5 hour nights). My husband also works full time at a bakery. It sucked last semester, when I had clincial 3 days a week, and I will likely have to drop down to part time at the end of next semester to do my preceptorship. I just want to get it done, but you gotta live. my advice, and I had a hard time doing this, is to find out how little you can live on and then find a job that covers it. Good luck to you!

I also work full time and go to school full time. It can be done. It's NOT fun. There is very little that is fun. I get the guilt trips, I get the nagging, I get dragged away from studying for house projects, etc. Work does everything they can to be accommodating at some times - at others, it feels that they are working against me every step of the way. It's likely that I'll have to find another job very soon.

The very best tips have already been given. BE DISCIPLINED. You have to learn to avoid everyone who will serve as a distraction. Choose your study partners wisely. Be diligent in the way that you study and STUDY!

With all of it, I've managed VERY good grades - usually to the dismay of my fellow students. However, if are driven to reach your goal - you will succeed. Just remember why you are doing this. Remember why you started. Remember what you hope to achieve and when things get rough - AND THEY WILL - remind yourself of these things. When you have no option but to cry, cry. When you need to take a break - take a break. But remember that you have entered into a path that you chose with a goal in mind. Don't let an obstacle slow you down.

You can do it. It hurts - A LOT. It demands - A LOT. In the end... it will all be worth it. I work for a newspaper as a designer. Lot's of stress, constant deadlines and no time to study. It just means that I have to give up sleep, family time, social life and fun. When I finally finish, I can make up for all I missed with a 3 day schedule. Remind yourself that there is an end. Focus on that and it will help get you through.

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