For the Mods: a way to stay up to date on a sick members that have illness in the family.


  1. Do you believe that having a place to go and check on one another when ill?

    • yes, I would like a place I can find out what happens to someone who posts on here
    • No, I don't want others to know my business, I am rather shy.
    • Yes, I think it is a good idea. We could send cards or something to help.
    • Yes, Even if they are too sick someone close could keep us up with how they are doing.

5 members have participated

Specializes in Med Surg, ICU, Infection, Home Health, and LTC.

I would like to ask the mods that run this site and oversee the function of it to please create a space on here filled will a specific thread on anyone that is ill or going through issues with their health. Even deaths in the family.

I care about Esme and I know I have missed others at time because I don't get on here very often. Having a dedicated section we could go to would be great. The person can share as much or as little as they want. If they are too sick to post omeone can check on them and keep us updated.

I remember on the AOL board when annie who had flew planes in Nam got sick and had to have a transplant. She did great then she had another organ fail and needed another transplant. We stayed in touch with her and then when she could no longer get on herself she let her friends keep us updated. Connie was the one who told us when she passed in ICU so suddenly. I still miss annie, the flight nurse I so envied.

Does anyone think this would be a good idea? Do we have a place like that we can post? I would be willing to help with it in any way I can. We have had so many close friends over the years that have passed away. I feel there is a need to have a place for healing and hope.

Specializes in ER.

Your poll is very flawed and slanted.

How about: Do you want yada, yada, etc?

1) Yes

2) No

3) Indifferent

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Generally, if people want others on the internet to know how they are doing, they'll find other ways than making an announcement on a public message board that can be viewed by anyone and everyone. I have friended a few folks from here on FB. That's where they could get any information if I choose to disclose it. This seems like it's too likely to be abused for nosiness.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.
Generally, if people want others on the internet to know how they are doing, they'll find other ways than making an announcement on a public message board that can be viewed by anyone and everyone. I have friended a few folks from here on FB. That's where they could get any information if I choose to disclose it. This seems like it's too likely to be abused for nosiness.

I have to agree. While your intentions are noble, not everyone may want to make their personal lives very public...especially considering that we have, what, 1 million+ members now? Nor may they want other people posting updates on their behalf, especially if they told that person in confidence.

If members wish to update people on what's going on, they will find a way to do so that they are comfortable with, whether posting a thread here, updating specific people via PM, or on ways outside of the forum (Facebook, e-mail, et al.)

And I also have to agree that your poll definitely stacked the deck in favor of generating a "Yes" response. The results could definitely be considered biased and thus scientifically invalid.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

We have had posters in the past who have posted and then suddenly disappeared, became ill, etc.. One of the pluses at AN is the ability to remain anonymous.

We do have a PM system once you have posted 15 posts and many use this more-private means to keep in touch. What we have found over the years (this year marks AN's 20th year!), is that people come here for the anonymity and share openly what they wish on the boards.

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