Published Jul 28, 2010
64 Posts
nice info...thanks:up:
10 Posts
Hi everyone?..does anyone here finished the BP in Mercy Health Training?. How was your BP?.what is the least difficult school BP in Victoria (ETEA, VCHN, MERCY HEALTH, DEAKIN)?.. and I have another question.
My IELTS is about to expire this coming November 2011, and my papers are still on the process.I still have to wait for 3-4 months right?.and ill be xpecting their decision in August. If God willing,ill be given an elligibility, and my IELTS is about to expire or is already expired b4 i enroll in a school for BP..will i still be able to enroll though my IELTS is about to expire or not valid anymore(given I have my elligibility)?..PLEASE HELP-HELP...
and oh! what school in Victoria could you recomend that I can reserve slot for 2011?..though my papers are still on the process?.. PLEASE-PLEASE give me a specific answer to all this questions. coz im now tempt to ask for help in an agency. and i think theyl just overcharge me with paymentsssssss..........
9 Posts
Hi! I'm also a nurse in the Philippines and also interested to work in Victoria. I understand your rush. I am in the same situation as u are. My IELTS too expires this November 2011. But in my case, I'm just about to start with my APHRA registration. When did u logde ur application? How soon do they give the decision letter or eligibility?
Thank a lot.
3 Posts
Hi. I am new here and I need some help on how to look for a good school that offers a bridging course in Australia. Can you help me please? Any suggestions? This agency is offering me to study for certificate III aged care with occupational english test for 46 weeks in Einstein College but it costs too much. So now, I am trying to look for a school where in I can apply by myself and hopefully get in. I am hoping I could leave for AU this June 2011.
Please help me. THank you.