Flu vaccine!!


Is anyone else ready to shoot the media over the vaccine shortage???? Our phone at the office hasn't stopped ringing! We ordered from Aventis, so we should get the rest of our order as planned. We are trying to plan a clinic next week, if we get more of our order today! This is really getting nuts anymore. Here I thought we would be set and no problems. I wish everyone else Good Luck!!

I am ready to turn the phone off! We ordered over half from chiron. I have not received mine share of what we ordered from aventis. This is going to be a nightmare! :o

Yesterday was an up and down day!! First our second shipment did not come in. Then we talked to our rep and he had no ideal what was going to happen to our order. He did say CDC was started to dictate where the vaccine was going! Later we called the distributer and found out our order was on hold indefinitely!!! By the end of the day, Aventis called and said the rest of our order would be shipped and we should get it today!!!!! Man, talk about a rollercoaster day!! Now the fun begins!

Well the VNA here in Dallas just canceled all our employee/business flu clinics, so the CDC must be setting some priorities on where the vaccine is going.

Just did 3 flu clinics last week. What a nightmare! People waiting in line for 3 to 4 hours just to get they're shot. Only 2 nurses, gave between 180 to 200 shots in four hours! Have another one tommorrow, then no more, because the rest were cancelled due to shortage, not to mention unsafe environments. People were actually fighting and pushing each other in line. Had to call 911, when one passed out in line, think he had a seizure. What a trip it has been :coollook:

You have just described my nightmare!!! We have 800 doses and have clinics set for this Thursday and Friday! There are only 2 nurses to give the injections. Our health officer will be there and usually hands out permission forms and answers questions. We plan to use him to screen pts as they come in using the CDC quidelines for the shortage. The radio and newspaper is also publishing the same quidelines! We were joking about having law enforcement just in case! We may just have to call them!! I am soooo dreading this week!!

Hang in there, once you get thing's going, it is not so bad. :) First have them fill out the paper work ahead of time, then when they get to you, you can just ask them about allergies, give the shot, and send them off, or have them stick around for 10-15 minutes to check on reactions, whatever your protocol is. I did one clinic were the other nurse wanted to fill out the paper work with the client, and then I gave the shot. Let me tell you, that took forever, and totally stunck! If you are very organized, it will go smoothly. Having someone there for crowd control is a good idea :) The crowd can grow ugly very quickly, and the nurses really don't have time to deal with it. We are too busy giving the injections :chuckle Another clinic we had three to four nurses, which really worked out great. If you have one doing crowd control and paper work, two giving the shots, and one filling syringes, it is a beautiful thing Good Luck!!!

In the past, the two of us have worked together. One does the shots, and the other fills syringes and does the paperwork. We switch off and trade every once in a while. It seems to work well and goes quickly. We have a clerk who does the Medicare stuff! We may have to change as we see how things go!

Is anyone else ready to shoot the media over the vaccine shortage???? Our phone at the office hasn't stopped ringing! We ordered from Aventis, so we should get the rest of our order as planned. We are trying to plan a clinic next week, if we get more of our order today! This is really getting nuts anymore. Here I thought we would be set and no problems. I wish everyone else Good Luck!!

Absolutely. I've been cursed and yelled at by healthy adults, because they aren't going to get the shot this year.

I had one man call me yesterday and said he should be the exception to the criteria, because he has "high cholesteral" and that put him at high risk.:uhoh3:

I tired to explained to him that the company I work for, the CDC,and the local physician's group disagree with his risk assessment.:rolleyes:

Just got back from a clinic. It was supose to start at 3:00pm, and people starting waiting at 10:00 am. When I first got there, people were already yelling because all the numbers had been given out, and they did not get one. Talk about mass hysteria!!!!!!! We ended up staying longer for people on stand bye. There ended up being enough vaccine for us to be there all night. However, after 300 shots, we were pooped :)

We had our clinics last week and it went fairly well!! We gave about 500 flu shots in those two days. We also did pneumonia shots too, but I haven't had a chance to count them yet. This week, we left our afternoons free to give vaccines and gave about 180, so we have about 120 left. Our health officer will decided if we need to send it where it is needed. I keep hearing that nursing homes are going without. I'm ready to get rid of every blessed dose as soon as possible!!

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