Published Jan 20, 2010
10 Posts
Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences.
I am looking to attend this school. Has anybody heard anything good or bad about it?
20 Posts
more $$$ then community college, more prereqs. also (religion classes,its a seven day adventist school) knew someone who went there and had to transfer to community cause they shut down at certain times due to their religious practices and it was driving them nuts(so i was told). that's about all that i know or heard of. you have a better chance of getting a job at florida though.
Well this school is only 6k a semester as opposed to 4.5k at a community college. I just want to make sure this school is legit. They have nclex pass rate of 80 percent based on 260 people last year.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
They are definitely a legit school with their NLN accreditation.
They are indeed a Christian school, and Florida Hospital is a Christian hospital. So if that doesn't bother you, I think it's a good experience.
For private schools, it's a good price compared to other private schools.
You might make a post in the Florida Forum as well asking about it, so you can hone in on some locals.
I did the RN to BSN program on line and found it an awesome experience.
Did you attend the school physically? What breaks are you talking about? Do they have semesters like regular schools (spring, fall)? I am worried because they have a department of marketing and i can never get in touch with a real person on the phone.
I did their online program. They had regular semesters but we took one class at a time breaking the semester up in 8 weeks per class, so that the end of the semester two classes were done.
I'm sure this is totally different than their physical ADN program. Good luck.
Are you now an rn? Did you land a job?
Definitely legit, just incorporates the practices of seven day adventists, they do not push their religion same as they do not at florida hospital which is an adventist run hospital. I know this because I live around a good majority of their hospitals and I have done clinical there also. I heard from students there that the campus closes at certain times of the day for prayer/church/mass what ever it is considered.
Can i get in with a 2.9 gpa? Did you get job placement through them and are you currently working as a rn?
I only did their RN to BSN program, so I already was a working RN. Sorry I really can't offer much more help. I just wanted to address the fact that they are a legit school with good accreditation.
Do you gey paid more now that you have a bsn?
194 Posts
Florida Hospital College is definitely a "legit" institution. lol. I don't know why you would question there legitimacy as they are accredited, have a high NCLEX pass rate, are a feeder to the huge Adventest Health System Hospital system, and have been around for ages. That said the last I heard starting October 2010 they are no longer offering an associate of science degree, just BSN. I guess they figure since there is no longer a nursing shortage they want everyone to have the 4 year degree. Bad news for people who need to work ASAP.