First step complete!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I have finished the first step for me to start school, I took the last two test of the GED last night!! I quit school for social reasons and still regret it, but am glad I finally got around to getting my diploma...

My scores on the first three tests were 800, 800 and 680! I was shocked!!:yeah:

These last two tests were math and writing. I feel pretty confident about my scores, but doubt I'll get a perfect score on Math... totally fine with me! I feel so great getting this done...

I would like to try to find a Nursing Assistant job to start gaining some experience while I'm taking my generals and such. I'm not sure yet what if any kind of waiting list there is at the community college I'll be going to... As soon as I get my final results I'm going to talk to an advisor to see what steps I need to take.

I'm so excited!! My ultimate goal would be to work in Post-Partum at a hospital.... I know that's a long-term goal so at first I'll settle for whatever comes my way. :)

Looking forward to taking the next step!


Specializes in School Nursing.

Momtojosh- This website is a free GED prep course with practice tests and lessons. It helped me tremendously when I took mine. Have him do the entire course and he will do fine on the GED.

GED for Free Prep Course

thank you SO much!!

Specializes in School Nursing.

You're very welcome.

missy bee....i sent you a private mesage....but i can aske here son who is 20 didnt finsih school....he has taken the GED test 2 times and hasnt passed the written or math did you study for there a place online?....he is so down on himself and is afraid to fail again....he doesnt have to take the whole test,just these 2 parts so is should cut down on some of the studyin he has to do.....

congrats again and good very proud of your self....

I saw your message but couldn't figure out how to respond!

I bought a study book at a book store. I can't recall the name of the publisher, I'm not at home right now, but it helped a lot!

I hope he's able to pass it soon!

Thank you all so much for your support!!

I am anxiously awaiting my final results, does anyone know do they send the Diploma along with your results or does that come later?

As soon as I get the results I'm going to call an advisor at the community college and arrange a visit. Open enrollment starts December 12th for spring semester so I may be able to sneak in yet... I would have to take the placement test, it's about 1.5 hours long... should be easy since I just took the GED. I'm in a test frame of mind! LOL Plus there's no "grading" on it as most of you probably already know... so less pressure. ;)

I'm so excited to start this journey!

Specializes in School Nursing.

The results come with the certificate. I knew I had passed mine before they mailed it to me because it was showing up in the online verification at the BoE for my state. You may be able to do the same thing.

How did you find it? I don't see anything on the MN DOE website that I can view results online.... :(

Guess I'll have to wait, lol.

Specializes in School Nursing.

Not all states do it. I'm sure you did fine though!

I guess the biggest reason I'm anxious to get the results is so I can feel like I can go ahead with speaking to the college about getting enrolled, lol.

Thanks for the vote of confidence!

UPDATE: I emailed one of the advisors at the CC I want to attend and she invited me to come on in and take a tour and ask her any questions I may have.

She also said in the meantime I can apply and take their placement test. :)


Specializes in School Nursing.

Congrats. You will also be able to register and get accepted. The entrance exam will either place you in college level courses or you may have to take a remedial (I did with math)... but if you talk to a counselor, they will let you in without the GED. They will give you a time frame to have it completed by so it'll be okay even if you have to take a portion of it again.

They let me into CC without the GED on an 'ability to benefit' basis. In fact, I didn't take the GED until the semester before I graduated with my AA degree. I kept putting it off. I only took it because I feared they'd without hold my AA degree without it. lol

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