Published Jan 6, 2014
1 Post
can someone please tell me some wonderful tips on how to win children's heart? New semester started today and i have been informed that I will be allocated at Pediatric Ward.
I am not ready to face the children(yet) Before, all my patients are adults & the elderly. can anyone share to me what do i do?
thanks =)
443 Posts
1) Smile
2) Ask about their favorite toy
3) Ask about their favorite show
4) Ask if they have a favorite animal
5) If they are school aged, ask what their favorite school subject is.
LoveMyBugs, BSN, CNA, RN
1,316 Posts
Get down to their level
I spend a lot of my time crouching down or sitting down low on a stool to get to their eye level.
If they are younger children (toddler) talk to the parents first.....gauge how comfortable the child is
Tell them what you are going to do before you do it.
Show them if possible with a stuffed animal....can I give Teddy's arm a hug? (Blood pressure) I want to see if Teddy's tummy is talking to me? Can your tummy talk to me?
Teenagers talk to your questions at them so they can feel in control...then talk to parents.
Bring in games, puzzles, books, stickers, art projects...does your facility have Child Life? They usually have those types of supplies.
Get them talking about something...distract them by getting them talking about them, their interests and likes.
Have fun,
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
I used to work Pedi and would start my shift standing next to the bed but in direct conversation with the parent. I would give my goals for the shift and have that "first conversation" of the evening. Then I would turn to the child. I felt this allowed the child to gauge how they should react to me by judging how the parent reacts. Also, gave them time to get a little comfortable. Works for babies and older kids as well. LovemyBugs gave some good pointers.
3,677 Posts
Kids can sense when you're being fake. So being genuine is especially important with kids.
Kids can be SO much fun! They're very much in their own world. They love to talk about themselves, so ask them about themselves! Ask them what games they like to play, what they like in school, ask about their friends, etc.
Definitely get to their level. It's intimidating for them when you're looking down at them, especially in scrubs. Pull up a chair, squat, whatever you need to do to get to their level.
With little kids, it's amazing the power stickers hold. Seriously. Don't go into a room without one!
With the little ones, demonstrate on a favorite stuffed toy, and let the child handle anything that's safe for them to handle.
Know that small kids take every word literally. Don't say something like, "Just a little stick" or they'll picture a piece of wood, ya know?
Smile, stay calm, and trust your instincts. You'll find you way. :)