First Nursing Job


I will be graduating this May in an ADN program...

I'd like to know how everyone got their first nursing job..did you start in an internship/new grad program or did you wait till you passes nclex and just got a job as an unexperienced RN without an internship or new grad program. is it hard to find a job without an internship/new grad program? i want to start in an internship but many ask for a gpa of atleast 3.0 and my gpa is just slightly below a 3.0 and im afraid i wont find a job this summer after nclex. im hearing that its harder for new grads to find jobs :down: .. any input is appreciated. thankss!

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Definitely start applying to the new grad programs and networking with nurse managers on floors where you have enjoyed clinicals NOW! It is my opinion that a majority of the new grads that don't get hired have not starting applying until after graduation. It doesn't hurt anything to apply and at the very least the interviewing and application process is decent practice. Good luck.

Specializes in Medical Surgical Orthopedic.

A lot probably depends on where in the world you are located. :D I'm in south Texas and started looking for a job a few months after graduating. I did take NCLEX before my start date, but only because that was a condition of my job offer. I do feel like I had a lot less to choose from because I started looking so late....

Over half of my orienting class were new graduates from out of town. They came here because they could not find positions in their own states, so I know it's not that easy everywhere.

im also from south texas.. houston, texas.

most new grad programs and internships ask for atleast a 3.0 gpa and im like slight below that so i dont know..

Specializes in Medical Surgical Orthopedic.
im also from south texas.. houston, texas.

most new grad programs and internships ask for atleast a 3.0 gpa and im like slight below that so i dont know..

Come to San Antonio if you don't have any luck. I don't know of anyone who has been asked for their GPA here. I don't even know what my GPA is. :confused: You can always get a little experience and then go home. :D

they dont ask for your gpa for internships and new grad programs? seems like every internship and new grad program here in houston asks for atleast a 3.0 gpa for the program.

Specializes in Medical Surgical Orthopedic.
they dont ask for your gpa for internships and new grad programs? seems like every internship and new grad program here in houston asks for atleast a 3.0 gpa for the program.

Nope! Here we take "silly" personality tests that feature vague, confusing questions....I've seen good people ruled out that way. I'm not sure how I passed mine!:uhoh3:

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

Even if you don't have a 3.0, I'd still apply for the internships--after all, the worst that will happen is that they'll say No. They may be willing to consider you if you did well in the classes that are applicable for that internship (e.g., it's a Peds internship and you got an A in Peds class), if you have related experience and/or skills...or if you can really do a damn good job of selling yourself in the interview :)

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