I had my first med error the other day and I feel so crappy; mostly because I think it was handled wrong.
I am in week three of orientation on a med/surg unit. I graduated in May.
My patient was an 80 yo with a fx pelvis after a fall. She was ordered an 180 mg verapamil. I went to give it and she said she was unable to swallow any pills. I told my preceptor and she said to just crush it. I thought to myself, hopefully it's not a sustained release, but didn't check because I assumed my preceptor would have picked up on it if it was.
I realized it was a few hours later when I looked it up and was so upset. It was nagging me and that should have been my first clue to not do it!
Pt. had no adverse effects that I saw and preceptor said it's no big deal. It was the end of the shift and I left upset about what happened. Dr. was never notified as far as I know. That was Friday and I go back tomorrow. I've spent all weekend so upset. I wish I had just called the Dr. to tell him. Now I've spent all weekend worrying and am scared to go back to work tomorrow. I know it was not handled correctly and I'm not sure what to do three days later! Any advice?