First Day of classes!!!


Today is the first day of my 15month evening LPN program....I'm excited abd nrevous, and don't know what to expect....I do know that there's a LONG road ahead of me, but I'm willing to sacrifice these 15 months for the betterment (not too sure if thats even a word!) of my (and my dear bf) future.

Any insights or advice by those who've been there and done that?

Specializes in Former MA and NA, now an LPN student.

I don't have much in the way of advice because I don't start my program until April 21st, but I just wanted to say GOOD LUCK to you! Please stop back and tell us how your first day went. :)

I definitely will!! Congrats on acceptance to your nursing program...this is sure to be a journey!

Specializes in Head & Neck Surgery.

I am about 4 months away from finishing my LPN school. The time will go by quickly. My program is about 19 months long. Enjoy your time, study hard, do not get discouraged, sleep when you can, and get Starbuck gift cards.

Have fun, I sure am!

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Congratulations! It really will go by very quickly. My best advice would be to stay on top of the reading because getting behind isn't an option. Practice lots of NCLEX questions from whatever book your program is requiring. Hang in there.

Thanks for the advice!!

Yesterday was my first day...needless to say we didn't really have class, but we did have orientation. I feel really good about this new step that I'm taking!! I'm totally excited and ready to start...

Today will officially be my first class and i have Fundamentals of nursing...can't wait to see what happens. :nuke:

Specializes in Onco, palliative care, PCU, HH, hospice.

You're eager to learn, that will make you a wonderful student! I went through an 18 month program and though it didn't seem like it at the time, it went by VERY fast! In May it'll be one year since I graduated and I truly can't believe it's been that long!

My advice would be to never fall behind, each night rewrite your notes and read ahead to the next chapter. Missing even one day of school can have devastating consequences so really don't miss unless it's absolutely needed. My final piece of advice would be to take full advantage of your clinical time, seek out things to do by asking the nurses that work there (IV starts, foley cath insertions, complex wound care, etc) by the end of my program I had done several IV's, several foleys, and a couple wound vac's and it was all because I asked around and sought out things to do.

Best of luck and keep us updated!

Specializes in LTC.

I will finish my LPN program in a few weeks. I can't believe I am almost finished! The time goes by so quickly and you will be amazed at how much information you will have in you head by the middle of the first semester. Be prepared for anything.

The Starbucks giftcard is a good idea. Panera would be good, too. You will spend so much time studying that you need to take at least one hour per week to spend with your significant other because you don't want him to think you've forgotten him.

One piece of advise that I think is important: Study like you won't settle for less than an A but don't be hurt when you get the Bs and Cs. NS is difficult.

Thanks for all teh great advice!!

Yesterday was my first day of fundamentals....we actually didn't do too much watched a video about how infections spread and how to properly was hands. Already I have plenty of readings to do. but I'm finding class quite enjoyable!

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