Finger Pads Problem


Im applying for NJ license and the BON already sent me fingerprint cards last Nov 08. My problem is my finger pads (left thumb and right index) have deep cut-like lines that almost covers my finger prints. When I did my finger printing in my country, the lines dominated the prints and the ridges are almost invisible, so I did'nt pass it to NJ BON/Sagem Pro. It has been like this for almost a year now. I've tried different hand lotions but the lines are still deep. I know I have to accomplished my fingerprint card ASAP. pls share some help.:cry:

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

contact the sagem morpho company and let them know what the issue is. I am sure they have run arcoss similar situations. Because it is digital finger printing, it may not overtake the same way that ink would.

^ thanks firefightingrn. im actually doing the traditional black ink printing as i'm not in the US.

Last time I was finger printed, the police dept had a large bottle of Corn Huskers Lotion and a box of gloves in the finger print area. When they had problems with fingerprints (usually in nurses!)not showing they would take a pair of gloves with Corn Huskers Lotion and have the person sit out in the lobby for an hr.with them on. It would make the ridges stand up, resulting in better fingerprints. They swore only Corn Huskers Lotion and gloves worked.

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