finding schools - application due dates and prereqs


my friend and I have been going through this arduous process and we joke about making a website with a simple spreadsheet: name of school, link to website, DUE DATE, required prereqs. My god would that have saved hours upon hours of labor! Some schools I swear hide their due dates and required prereqs on purpose. Anyway, my question is, if we ever actually got around to doing something like that, who would be interested and how much do you think people would pay for access to something like that? I honestly don't think I'd ever get it done, I could do the spreadsheet stuff, but don't know much about websites or payments or anything like that, but still, I'm curious! Plus, why hasn't anyone done this yet, and if they did, how on earth could I be missing it!?:yeah:

People would love and appreciate this idea, but actually paying for it nah-uh. Better yet, get advertisements to pay for the cost.

thats a good idea, I have no idea how to go about this stuff tho, my brother liked the idea and said he'd run it by a web developer he knows, so who knows! I don't have the time to do it now of course, but maybe if I ever do it, I can get others to submit any info they have and cut down on the time involved.

looks like allnurses might have some competition on their hands ;)

I wouldn't pay for it mostly because I wouldn't trust the accuracy. I've made charts like this of the schools in my area, and often find what you did - the info is scattered, incomplete, and changes often. If I miss as many things as I did when I'm very highly motivated and intensively looking at only a dozen schools, I don't have much confidence in a general (broad) master list.

I don't even trust the accuracy of the school websites, with good reason. Usually, I think, they do not set out to be inaccurate but too often they are.

^what they said. Plus pre-reqs you take in California might not transfer to a school in NY. The list is a good regional idea, but only as a plan and not as an absolute. I did a spread sheet for all the schools in MD/DC, and it was a great tool to see what classes I should take to be able to cast a wide net come application time, but I wouldn't pay for the info nor would I trust the info from any secondary source (there is just too much at stake to trust that a middle-man got all their info correct).

yeah, its amazing what schools won't take certain prereqs that others will, and not just state to state! I def wouldn't intend the list to be an absolute, for all the reasons, but as a jumping off point, it would certainly (and still would be!) have been helpful to me. I appreciate the feedback!

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