Finding a job as a CNA

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Hello All.I recently graduated from the Red Cross NAT program.I passed my certification shortly after.Im OFFICIALLY certified in the state of Pennsylvania as a CNA.At first, I was very excited.Now not so much.I'm currently looking for a job in the field and its not easy by any means.Everywhere I go to apply wants you to have anywhere from a year to three years expirence.How could you possibly find a job if no one gives you a chance because of your lack of expirence? If I apply as a volunteer would that count as expirence? Is there anyone having similar issues?

Thanks, I will try quizlet!

Specializes in LTC, Med-surg.

I just got my certification in the late half of February and no luck finding a position either :/

ABSOLUTELY volunteer experience counts! I have no paid experience in the field, however I do volunteer at a hospital. In filling out resumes I put my volunteer hospital service down as work experience. I've filled out two job applications for upscale assisted living facilities and have gotten called in both times for interviews. The first interview went well, however management sucks balls and I refused to work with them. The 2nd one went amazingly and I begin work next week. I have never gotten a bad reaction from putting volunteer stuff down, if anything employers love that you donate your time and build experience that way.

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