Published Jun 6, 2006
131 Posts
Hello all,
I hope someone can help. I am looking for a way to find out when conferences and seminars are taking place. I have tried the google thing and I usually get the listings but most are in other states..I live in Jersey and I am sure there are more then I seem to be able to find. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated....Thanx.
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
have you tried contacting your brn?
TazziRN I might sound silly but what is a brn?
board of registered nursing.
Thank You...I am familiar with abbrev of bon but didn't realize brn could also be used...and no I haven't contacted them, however I will....Thanxx
don't know about other states but ca has separate boards for lvn's and rn's.
sharann, BSN, RN
1,758 Posts had a link for seminars last I checked
sorry I am getting back to you so late....crazy hrs at work....thank you for the tip about nurseweek
grinnurse, RN
767 Posts
You might also want to try local hospitals (larger ones that is) under education. I live/work in the Dallas/Ft. Worth TX area and the larger hospitals do seminars and such that people from outside the hospital system can attend for a charge. I sent email to the ed. co-ordinator and they sent me lists of upcoming events and the cost.
nightingale, RN
2,404 Posts
Great suggestions. To expand of checking with facilities, I had put myself on a list of a Cardiac Hospital and recently got to go to a wonderful conference on Cardian Updates. Our local Psych. Hospital puts on workshops *via Pharmacy Reps" on Medication Management of a specific category of medication. Perhaps, you can get on a mailer for specialty group or facility in your area.
I hope that helps.