most fertile during menstruation? what?


i hope someone can clear this up for me...

after my maternity class on friday, a group of us were involved in a discussion pertaining to conception. a few girls insisted that you CANNOT conceive during menstruation.... im sure that it varies from person to person, but i believe that its very possible to conceive during menstruation...

our maternity book was not very helpful in answering our question, and ive been doing some research tonight with no definite answer...

so.... what IS the right answer??


Specializes in LTC/Rehab, Med Surg, Home Care.

Ah! Infertile Cyber-friends :-)

So sorry you've both dealt with IF, it is about 10 pounds of junk in a five pound bag, eh?

DH and I have a variety if issues, and were granted an IVF scholarship from INCIID in late 2004. We were some of the original recipients. Unfortunately, it was a bust for us too. We have some frozen embies left...don't know when we'll go back for a try since we had to travel from WI to CT for the cycle.

Oh, clomoood, FSH, Repronex (and the welts that go with it) not to mention the oh-so-fun progesterone in oil shots. We've done it all, Clomid, IUI with clomid, IUI with stims, donar sperm, and finally our IVF.

I have nothing to add to answer the OP's question, just wanted to let the other IF'ers know they're not alone.

Me too! I take the B6 and progesterone cream as well. It lengthened it by 2 days. Clomid made me go blind once, so I am trying to stay away from that. My LP defect is just on of about 10 things wrong with me-fertility wise that is.

I assumed you didn't know what it was because you said it's '14 days before menses"

My mistake. And I'm sorry the IVF didn't work for you.

ETA: how long did you try the B6 for? I ask because it took a good 3 cycles for it to work on me.

Specializes in Cardiac.

Oh Sunny, I'm sorry to hear that. How many embies do you have? Enough for more than once cycle?

Specializes in LTC/Rehab, Med Surg, Home Care.

We have enough for one FET cycle and that's it. Truly, I'm okay with it, as DH and I have been foster parents for the past 7 years. We adopted our son at the age of 13, he was one of our foster kids. Right now we are in the middle of those terrible teens! He's a tough kid, but we love him dearly and he occasionally lets his soft side out :redbeathe

Are you still cycling? Have you heard of the INCIID IVF program?

Specializes in Med/Surg.
Me too! I take the B6 and progesterone cream as well. It lengthened it by 2 days. Clomid made me go blind once, so I am trying to stay away from that. My LP defect is just on of about 10 things wrong with me-fertility wise that is.

I assumed you didn't know what it was because you said it's '14 days before menses"

My mistake. And I'm sorry the IVF didn't work for you.

ETA: how long did you try the B6 for? I ask because it took a good 3 cycles for it to work on me.

B6 and progesterone cream for maybe 6 months. Clomid did work. Hence my user ID "Binkie" RN. Good Luck. Thanks for the apology :loveya:

I read somewhere that a study showed that ovulation between the 7 and 10th day of the period is very, very frequent. Matter of fact the study said that between 1/3 and 1/2 of women had already ovulated by the 14th day.

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

As women get older, the ovulation has a tendency to become more irregular. As a result the ovulation schedule can become more varied and two eggs can be released simultaneously or not at all (sterile period) or she can ovulate twice in one cycle but at different times. Makes the whole natural family planning thing a bit harder.

Earlier on, I had 33 day cycles. After going off my OCPs before I got pregnant, they were bam! every 26 days like clockwork. I have next to no idea what they'll do after going off the OCPs if we ever decide on baby #2.

Definitely agree that it may be possible for some women to get pregnant while on their period, though not the norm. And definitely disagree that menstruation is the most fertile period.

Okay my thought process is going as so....

The egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube, so the shedding of the endometrial lining wouldn't be flushing out the fertilized egg until it traveled down to the uterus.

I would like to see the research on five day sperm survival.

The research on five-day sperm survival, that is the Wilcox timing of intercourse study:

"Conception occurred only when intercourse took place during a six-day period that ended on the estimated day of ovulation. The probability of conception ranged from 0.10 when intercourse occurred five days before ovulation to 0.33 when it occurred on the day of ovulation itself."

Specializes in Cardiac.
B6 and progesterone cream for maybe 6 months. Clomid did work. Hence my user ID "Binkie" RN. Good Luck. Thanks for the apology :loveya:

Oooh! Congrats!:redpinkhe

We have enough for one FET cycle and that's it. Truly, I'm okay with it, as DH and I have been foster parents for the past 7 years. We adopted our son at the age of 13, he was one of our foster kids. Right now we are in the middle of those terrible teens! He's a tough kid, but we love him dearly and he occasionally lets his soft side out :redbeathe

Are you still cycling? Have you heard of the INCIID IVF program?

I am taking a much needed break! Of course I secretly hoped that it would just "happen" while on the break, but it hasn't...

I will look into the INCIID program. My Dr says it's near impossible for me to get preggos without IVF. But since I went blind on Clomid (only for a day!) I'm totally afraid of the medication protocol.

I have started thinking about fostering though....

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I have started thinking about fostering though....

I couldn't do it. You fall in love with the child and then ultimately have to give the child back. Usually to an abusive parent. I wish I could, there's such a need for quality foster homes but I just couldn't handle the emotions of returning the child. I greatly admire those who can and do.

Specializes in LTC/Rehab, Med Surg, Home Care.

Trust me, you don't always fall in love with the kids. While I've loved nearly all the children in my home, at least in some capacity, we've had some real stinkers. We had a child who tried to kill the dog, some that have been abusive to the dog, and some that we just plain breathed a sigh of relief. Especially the older teens who were just plain stinkers! There's only so many times one can handle being called the B word.

Specializes in OB, Family Practice, Pediatrics.

It is possible, but not likely for some women to ovulate more than once a month, and ovulation at the time of menstruation is VERY rare, but possible. As posted above a woman CAN get pregnant at any time in her cycle, but 14 days on average past the start of her last period is the most fertile time if she is on a 28 day cycle.

Specializes in Telemetry, Nursery, Post-Partum.

[quote name=

As for a reference to the above, check out the book, "Taking charge of your Fertility"[/quote]

I was going to mention this book! It helped me learn much the whole "cycle" much easier than my A&P class did.

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