Felony charges

Nurses Recovery


Found out today of level 6 felon charge. Do i need to notify BON. I am in IRPR..since October. These charges are from diversion stemming from sept. I self reported to IPRP and got started in program. I dont know what i need to do. Or what effect this has on me going in front of board.

My state requires you tell them within either 24 or 48 hours.. I forget which one. But they hold it against you if you don't tell them right away.

My case manager for my monitoring program told me i didnt need to notify bc the attorney general would. But im wondering if i should still notify them and tell them in im monitoring

She wasnt enrolled when they did the 90 days suspension. She has yet to go in front of board.

I got my DUI on a Friday night and self reported to the BON on Monday morning because I figured it was my obligation to do so as a professional. I had no idea the giant tub of poop I was about to jump in and when I found out I was horrified. However, I've been told my the monitoring folks that this helped me. I have no idea how my self reporting helped me because it seems like I'm in the same program as everyone else but they say it did. Maybe it kept me out of our disciplinary program?

Did they do any suspension on you

They never called it a suspension but in effect it was. I needed a permission to return to work to stay in compliance with the terms and conditions of the voluntary program. In all I was off almost 6 months. First inpatient then outpatient treatmen and I had to complete 90 asinine meetings in 90 days. Once allowed to return to work I was not allowed to return to critical care for about another year so I worked as a case manager with no ot or shift differential. Total costs in lost wages was about $40k and I'm much luckier than most. I have a union job where they could not discharge me and about 1000 hours of sick leave built up. Many simply cannot negotiate the financial hurdles of monitoring. In monitoring apparently bankruptcy is part of a good recovery program

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