I am very new to this forum. Here is a little bit of background. I have been an R.N. for 11 years. Most of this has been in LTC. I didn't work for 3.5 years to be with my young children. When I worked before it was because I "had to". I was very burnt out and frustrated. I'm not sure if it was because I was working when I didn't want to, or if I was burnt out by nursing. Anyway, in the years I was off I didn't try to keep up with journals, or nursing in anyway. CEU's are not required in my state. I told my dh on a regular basis I never wanted to go back.
About a year ago I started missing LTC and went back to work on 3-11 weekends in March of '02. I absolutely love working with the elderly. I am enjoying the pt care like I never did before.
However I feel very incompetent. Some of my skills are rusty. I have no confidence in my decision making/ critical thinking skills. I float to whichever unit they need me on. There are usually 25-30 residents. Staffing is myself and 1.5-2 CNAs. I usually pass all of my own meds and do all of my own treatments. I am having trouble getting everything done. Also, I feel disorganized and harried. I also feel like I have forgotten basic knowledge and am rusty on crucial procedures. I'm not sure I could easily start an I.V. right now since it has been so long, and not something I routinely did in the past.
The nurses at this facility make a big deal about who is an R.N. and who isn't. Also, I don't feel much comradarie among the nurses. I feel like my job performance isn't living up to my title.
If it wasn't for the residents I would hang up my stethescope now. Should I keep studying the nursing journals and doing what I can to "brush up"? Should I forget it and quit? Are my fears legit, or am I just feeling insecure?
Thanks for reading this long post. I haven't talked to anyone else about this for fear of being judged.