Feeling incompetent


I am very new to this forum. Here is a little bit of background. I have been an R.N. for 11 years. Most of this has been in LTC. I didn't work for 3.5 years to be with my young children. When I worked before it was because I "had to". I was very burnt out and frustrated. I'm not sure if it was because I was working when I didn't want to, or if I was burnt out by nursing. Anyway, in the years I was off I didn't try to keep up with journals, or nursing in anyway. CEU's are not required in my state. I told my dh on a regular basis I never wanted to go back.

About a year ago I started missing LTC and went back to work on 3-11 weekends in March of '02. I absolutely love working with the elderly. I am enjoying the pt care like I never did before.

However I feel very incompetent. Some of my skills are rusty. I have no confidence in my decision making/ critical thinking skills. I float to whichever unit they need me on. There are usually 25-30 residents. Staffing is myself and 1.5-2 CNAs. I usually pass all of my own meds and do all of my own treatments. I am having trouble getting everything done. Also, I feel disorganized and harried. I also feel like I have forgotten basic knowledge and am rusty on crucial procedures. I'm not sure I could easily start an I.V. right now since it has been so long, and not something I routinely did in the past.

The nurses at this facility make a big deal about who is an R.N. and who isn't. Also, I don't feel much comradarie among the nurses. I feel like my job performance isn't living up to my title.

If it wasn't for the residents I would hang up my stethescope now. Should I keep studying the nursing journals and doing what I can to "brush up"? Should I forget it and quit? Are my fears legit, or am I just feeling insecure?

Thanks for reading this long post. I haven't talked to anyone else about this for fear of being judged.

Specializes in MS Home Health.

Kateann sounds like your night was exceptionally horrible. I think that is the exception. WE nurses are a tough bunch......


:confused: Just like you i also feel incompetent since ive been working in school for 5 years (im a school nurse) and im really scared on what will be my future in a hospital setting.I'm planning to take some CEU here in our country.

But i know that in time you can make it!

just pray and believe in your self. ;)

Specializes in Mostly LTC, some acute and some ER,.

You definantly need some confidance. I do too that is why I feel incompetent often. Don't give up whatever you do!

Originally posted by AnotherRN

However I feel very incompetent. Some of my skills are rusty. I have no confidence in my decision making/ critical thinking skills.

I can relate to this............I am an enrolled nurse (I think you would call me an LPN in the U.S.), and I am about to graduate as a RN in December....

However, I stayed home from work, from '97, to have and look after my two kids, so while I have been studying and start as an RN in February, I have lost my confidence. Due to recent clinicals I know skills, but when it comes back to being part of the professional world, rather than playgroups etc, has got me a bit nervous.........

I also feel that 'floating' isn't so good, each area is different, and will take that much more time to get back into it.........

Hang in there, AnotherRN

come on folks

lets have a pep talk amongst ourselves

you worked hard for your qualifications didn't you---yes

you care about your patients don't you-------yes

do you give good care --------yes

then give yourselves a break:)

good nurses are hard to find. caring. experienced nurses are hiding!!!!!!!!!!!

to you all good wishes


I work as a Ward Clerk in LTC. The amount of duties to be done on a 8-hour shift is something that is hard to believe let alone get done. The Nursing Staff NEVER stops, it one thing after another.

And it is not getting any better.

Even I'm thinking of looking for something else, the paperwork is unending and we keep getting more.

When will it end?!

I know the Nursing Staff in LTC and (I mean everyone from RN to LPN and CNA's )have a hard and never ending job. You just have to be there to understand.

Hang in there............the only way to feel competent is to practice, practice, practice........a.k.a. work, work, work. Your not incompetent....in fact you have excellent perception......it's the staff that think they "know it all," who are incompetent. Your skills will improve as you are exposed to similar situation over and over and similar patients over and over. Ya can't get that from reading, only by doing and knowing when to ask for help. You have critical thinking skills it's written all over your words in your post.

From a RN who was trained in LTC by an LPN and thankful!:kiss

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