Feeling better......

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I'm feeling alot better now about school. At first I was so stressed out and overwhelmed that I just felt like locking myself in a closet and crying for a few hours (in case you didn't read my first post I'm a new nursing student just started the fundamentals). Now I've come up with a study plan that seems to be working. I don't read every chapter word for word...it's not possible for me. I look them over and read anything I think is of importance and also go by my study guide. That is MUCH faster and more effective than reading EVERYTHING. Yesterday I studied for 3.5-4 hours but I'm also feeling a bit behind since I haven't been able to study much the past few days because of stress. I talked to someone who just graduated last May from the program that I'm in and she was a very good student and she told me she never read all the chapters in her books and she only went through and highlighted what was important and she did fine. So I know now that my program doesn't necessarily require you to read everything even though my instructors told me the first day that it was necessary. I imagine most instructors would tell their students that. I'm feeling so much better today. I still have alot of studying to do but just knowing how to effectively study now has taken a huge load off of me. I know this is going to be a stressful next couple of years but I'll be so glad that I did it once it's all over.

Specializes in L&D.

I'm so glad you're feeling better. :) I was sure you would. I hope you find the next few semesters enjoyable. I know there are some stressful times, but all in all, I do enjoy my program and the many, many things I learn. Have a great weekend!! :)

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I'm glad you're feeling better! I had a mini-breakdown my first week in September too, but then you just keep going and things get better. A lot of the stress at first comes from not knowing what they expect from you and just feeling overwhelmed with all you think they do expect from you. You find your own groove though and things do work out. I had another crying jag the first week of this term too. Maybe it's going to be a first week thing for me, lol. Get it out of my system and then get to work!

No matter how overwhelmed or stressed I get, I just keep plowing through and doing my best. I have already vowed that there is no way I am going to throw in the towel on this, so when I'm afraid I can't do something, I just go forward and give it my best. I tell myself that if that's not good enough they're going to have to kick me, because I refuse to walk away on my own. And so far, everything has worked out just fine. I walk away from whatever was stressing me (skills check off, clinical, major exam...) feeling like it all worked out and wasn't as bad as I had built it up for myself...

Specializes in Emergency & Trauma/Adult ICU.

Glad to hear that you're feeling better! :) :balloons:

It may not be the last time you feel like locking yourself in a closet :rolleyes: but now you'll know some strategies for working through it.

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