feel so nervous


I feel so overwhelmed and nervous guys. Today was my first day. I was just shadowing but i was so overwhelmed with what I have to learn and chart. I will also have to learn new skills that I didn't get to do while working at a rehab/snf. Lucky I brought some coffee to keep me up the whole shift.

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.

Aww, Big hugs. The first day anywhere can be rough, so give yourself a break! Make sure you write down any questions and get them answered and don't feel like any question is stupid.

If you came from a SNF, I'm sure your organizational skills are very good!

If some of the learning has a policy and procedure, make sure to follow those guidelines.

How long are you getting for orientation?

Thank you Tokmom:) Yes I came from a SNF. The workload here is nothing compare to the SNF. The SNF we had to pass more medications. However, there is a routine once you get it down. Here you have new patients almost every time. I also had an AMA on my first day on orientation. I only had one AMA at the SNF in a whole year! It is the charting that is intense.

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.

You will get a routine. My guess is you will pretty much see the same illnesses. One day it will be second nature. :)

I start my first day in a few weeks..any advice before I start? I just dont want to be a headless chicken running around. I do know that I will be that 'dumb' new grad, but any advice on how I can lessen the burden on my preceptor could be great.

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.

Offer to help, look interested and keep the cell phone in the pocket.

Do you have a brain sheet? That's pretty darn handy to keep one organized.

Congrats on the new job!

What's a brain sheet?

Yes use one of those sheets (brain sheet) that has the patient rooms, allergies, procedures, important lab works, if they on lovenox or not. I printed out a bunch of them to bring with me my first day. My preceptor was very impress with that. She told me I was ready for the first day. LIke tokmom said, keep your cell phone in your pocket. Only use it during breaktime. I'm a coffee person so I needed to use the restroom at least 4 times throughtout the shift lol. My preceptor knows though because she drinks coffee as well. Always offer to help. The first 2 days is basically shadowing. However, my preceptor is very nice and open to questions. Make sure you tell them the first day what are your weak points. Mine was starting IV and how to work the IV machine since my old workplace didn't have those. She also went over with me some of the computer tips since she know I will have a few classes regarding computer charting and such. We just hung it and calculate the drips. My preceptor is awesome!

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.

A brain sheet is what was mentioned above. It addresses key points of the patient and you keep current through the day and give report to the next shift with those notes. It's note taking in nurse form. I do believe if you do a search on AN you can find a variety of sheets to choose from. Eventually you will develop one that works for you.

I start my first day my preceptor on Friday and I'm scared and nervous. I've been in long term care for almost 4 years prior to getting an acute care position. I have always dreamed of this and I just don't want to mess it up.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

The charting will get easier with time. As you learn the EMR and get better at navigating it you will be able to chart more quickly and find information faster. I would recommend if you get any down time to play around with finding information and review other nurses charting to learn.

As for new skills and new patients constantly- just remember to ask questions and always be eager to learn a new skill. Like if you are unsure about IV insertion then grab an experienced nurse who is great at it and ask them to show you or walk you through it. Offer to do other IV's for other nurses also. You get better with practice. I bet one skill you are great with is catheters. When I did LTC I felt very confident in my foley skills ;)

Other posters recommended a good "brain sheet" which is necessary for a new employee. It can have areas for the important information for you to fill in. There are some great ones on this site if you search.

I think everyone likes a new employee who is eager but not cocky, who asks appropriate questions, and is friendly. Everything gets easier with time and experience. Good luck!

I'm pretty scared now guys. THis whole computer charting is giving me a headache. I have also heard of the huge turn around on the nurses at my facility. It seems that there is too many things that I could do wrong and could hurt the patient or mess up on charting or some minor thigns and I would be in trouble.

I also failed my PDBS assessment. I could take it again but I'm already thinking if this is the right field for me. Hopefully I will graduate this December with my bachelors. I see many other young nurses that area also working. I know if they could do it then I could too. I"m just afraid of failing. I almost cried today after I found out that I failed my PDBS. Even for a guy, I feel really bad about this.

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