Favorite books to help you understand material?


I start Maternal Child and MedSurg in a little over a month (yay!) and would like to know what books, if any, were a big help in understanding the material outside of the textbooks?

Specializes in CVICU.

I have heard great things about the "..Made Incredibly Easy!" series, particularly "Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy!" but it appears "Medical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!" has very favorable reviews on Amazon.

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

I didn't have enough time to ADD books! There's usually so much reading that overwhelming yourself with additional books is counterproductive.

Specializes in Med Surg, PCU, Travel.

Don't get the Med-Surge Incredibly Easy...I don't know why amazon has so many good reviews on that junk and even a friend recommended it to me. It was really a waste of time for me and really lacked lots of important content. I'm a big fan of rationale and review series they have one for med surg. Med-surg Success book is a Q and A book with NO NOTES but lots of questions with rationales to each answer. I did not use any alternate books for maternity.

RunbabyRun does have a point, if you use too many books you could be counterproductive, it really depends on which suites your learning style. I like to read main points and do questions.

Hey! All books will put the same content in front of you. It depends on how you learn. Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic? Only you have that answer and I imagine you have a good feel for it by this point.

I was not a huge fan of my OB/GYN rotation. I got through it by immersing myself in the material as I did the other theory topics and using the ADPIE process to study every disease state. There are some things you just have to memorize however; the more you tie disease process to assessment data, your nursing dx and most importantly your interventions the more deeply you will retain what you read; regardless of what book you get it from.

Best of luch to you-I am sure you will be awesome!

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