FAU 2015 ABSN Applicants

U.S.A. Florida


Applications are open for FAU's January 2015 enrollment date! With just over 4 months until the deadline and 8 months to the start of the program, now seemed like as good a time as any to start a forum to ask questions, relay information, and support possible future classmates.

To start off, I was wondering if any one knew if they normally offer a ABSN program that begins in the Spring. I had only heard of admittance to the Summer semester at the beginning of May.

Best of luck to everyone!

Yeah I don't have an immunization hold on myfau but I tried calling Dr. France and Ms.Streaty to find out about my schedule but they are gone for the holidays until...you guessed it Jan 5...anyone have better news?

btw thanks mim10

I received an email from Juliet this morning at 9am saying I have a hold because of the immunizations and now the offices are all closed for the holidays. Well that was a big help...

I have the immunization hold and I called student health services to ask them about it. It's just like a standard MMR and meningitis form that has to be signed. It's nothing we haven't already done we just have to turn it into another person. But she did tell me they closed at noon today and will not be reopening until January 2nd. I talked to the guy who emailed me about the hold and he said that is fine just to email him when the hold is lifted.

The form can be found at FAU.edu/shs

Thanks. I'm going to fax the form today but I have a feeling I won't be registered til Jan 2 :'(

Ya I offered to send it before they left at noon and she said that it won't be processed until January 2nd either way.

Oh poo! Well... let's try to enjoy our last days of freedom! If you're in Florida you know the weather is still great :) If not, you can look forward to great weather!

So I guess I'll be seeing everyone at FAU Jan 2nd ;) lol

Does anyone know anyone who went to fau nursing before? Does this usually happen?

Ok so almost everyone is in the same boat. And I was sweating bullets over here from Texas. So any news about parking decals, IDs and is anyone still looking for a place to live or even looking for a roommate? I know I'm pushing it a bit on the moving, but didn't know it was going to be this stressful.

Hey Guys,

This is my first post, but following the conversation has been helpful. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone. I hope you can enjoy the rest of the holiday despite all of the anticipation and apprehension:). I have requested to join the Facebook group, so if somebody could add me that would be great. Look out for a brown-skinned girl with shades on with a guy in the profile pic. Thanks!

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