Farmingdale State College


Hey guys,

I took the NLN pre entrance exam at Farmingdale on March 27(this was the last date it was given and my original testing date in February was canceled due to the weather.) I called them today and they said all the acceptance decisions have been made already.:crying2: She said that I was never denied, which was good, but I just didn't get accepted either. I'm really upset I thought I would get in. My score on the NLN was 91 and composite score of 131. Congrats to everyone who got accepted!!

Thanks Jupiter! You got into Farmingdale also right? I was wondering if you knew when we had to wear the Jade (hunter green) scrubs? I recently met with someone from the nursing department but she didn't mention this to me and I didn't notice we had to get these until after I left. Thanks =) I can't wait to get started!

From what I understood from orientation and from talking to 2nd year students it that they have to be worn on days we have lab. So monday's that have NUR108 Lecture followed by Lab I would have to wear it, on Thurs that I have NUR100 Lecture followed by Lab I will also have to wear them. If Lab and lecture were on different days, then I would only have to wear them to lab days. HTH's!!

Me :nurse:

How wonderful..I guess we will both have to get used to wearing green:uhoh3: lol not my favorite but it could be worse I guess.

LOL....That is my one constant complaint.....Green is my least favorite color, I would looooove to have NYU's purp;e (my fav color). Best of luck to you in the fall!!!

Hi everyone! I know this is a late post compared to others, but I applied to the Farmingdale BS Nursing program and got wait-listed, I just took the NLN pre entrance exam today and got a horrible composite score of 118. :( I studied a lot, but I'm a bit disappointed with myself. My grades arent too bad (I'm a high school senior). So I'm hoping that I might have a chance of getting it. Any idea of what my chances might be? I'm really worried!

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