Famu Nursing Fall 2014 Hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


Hello Everyone! Happy New Yearrrr

If anybody has their interview this week , if you guys don't mind letting us know how it went , I would really appreciate it .

I had my interview this morning. It went really well & quick.

Do You Remember What Kind Of Questions THE Asked ? @crna18

Specializes in med/surg.

Yes please if you can remember the questions they asked you and put them up.

They ask us not to share the questions, I would if I could. I'll tell you they're nothing you cannot answer off the back of your hand. They're all things we have experienced in life in general. I was nervous for nothing. They were extremely nice. I think I nailed it. Good luck girls!!

Does anyone know if the transfer orientation is mandatory? It is during my interview

I'm not 100% sure if it is or not. I thought I remember them telling me something about it being required when they sent me my acceptance packet, but I may have misread it. I'm going just to be sure. If it's during your interview, then I wouldn't worry about it. I've read of other students not going and they still got into the nursing program on other threads. One of which was just last semester. Don't stress it, worry about and practice for your interview. :)

Plus there will be 2 nursing school orientations that will be mandatory if accepted, so I don't /think/ the transfer one is a requirement. You could always call the school tomorrow and ask just to be sure though if it's bothering you.

I have an interview for July 21 @ 9AM

My GPA is a 3.3

Hey! I have an interview that same day as well, at 9am. ;)

Thank you so much for mentioning the app! That will def come in handy next week or so!

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