Fall 2009 UT Houston BSN Applicants


Hey everyone! I applied to UT houston and I'm waiting to hear if I got an interview. Applicants for years in the past started threads that everyone went to and kept everyone updated on information from the school, and it's nice to hear from possible (fingers crossed) other future classmates. If you don't mind, I'd also like to post our application info: GPA (science and overall), NET scores and experience.

My stats:

Overall GPA: 3.93

Science GPA: 3.75 (I think- UT link is down today :wink2:

NET: composite score was 88% (96 percentile)

I'm currently employed as a CNA in a hospital (only have about a month experience so far)

Goodluck and hopefully I get some replies!


Hello ELCO Girl, your grades your BS does not matter. As long as you have a solide GPA from the prereqs you took, then you are good to go. They recalculate your GPA when you apply and post the GPA they have for you on UTLink.

Hope this helps.

Ballerboo, I'm not quite sure, I would call the school concerning this matter.

I am looking at nursing career again and 2007 and 2008 I applied to UTH SON and got to the interview stage each time I applied but no lucy of getting in. I am deciding to reapply this time again but I will be applying towards the fast track BSN PROGRAM since I have a four year degree. I was wondering would they still take my old NET score into consideration or I have to take this new HESI A2 TEST they have now. I know I was so close back then because I got interview now I don't think my chances are good since there this new HESI A2 exam. Is the HESI TEST the same as the NET test..anyone who have taken both ..can you please let me know. Thanks and hopefully someone can give me good advise if i should retake any courses as well.

If they require the HESI now, the NET won't work. In my opinion, the HESI was easier than the NET.

wow, yall have really good GPA. does it mean it is impossible to get in with 3.3 GPA? :crying2:

Hello to everyone! I'm new on this thing, and since browsing through this website, I wanted to ask a question of my own that I really need some advice on!

I'm applying to the UT school of nursing at Houston for Spring 2011 admission, and on my UTlink, I noticed that on the TSI section, it says "Not Received" ......however, on my transcript, which they have received, there is a section showing that I am TSI complete with all my scores and such. Has this happened to anyone else?

Also - another thing..on the Transcript section on UTlink, it says "Not Received" also, but on the bottom of the page you can see both schools I have attended with my GPA and everything. Near the school I am currently attending, it reads "Trans has in-prog courses".....so should I ignore the "Not Received"? :uhoh3:

The deadline is Sep. 1 and I really need to figure all of this out!! Any advice would be much appreciated!

wannabeanrn90, i had the same issues applying last semester. when i called, they told me not to worry about the tsi completion and that the transcripts will say "not received" until all prereqs are completed. good luck!

Hi All,

These threads are fantastic! Thanks to everyone for sharing their information for those of us still in the process of applying. :)

I am going to apply to the UTHSC SON Houston for Fall of 2011, but am a bit concerned about my application. I received my undergraduate business marketing degree from Texas A&M in 2005, but with a pretty low GPA (about 3.1...did NOT care about school my first two years, as I lucked out and got a free ride to A&M thanks to being a National Merit Scholar...didn't learn anything, just barely managed to hang on to my scholarship). I went on to graduate school for global affairs at NYU, but then left partway through. (Decided I didn't want a career path that would require me to move internationally all the time.)

I'm currently taking my prereqs at a local community college, and have a 4.0 in all the sciences so far. However, the other prereqs will come from my time at A&M, and I have Cs and Bs in the freshman courses I took at A&M. Even if I finish all the rest of the prereqs with a 4.0, if I calculate my GPA with these classes, my prereq GAP will only be a 3.39. Do you guys have any insight on how those courses I took about 8 years ago will affect admissions decisions? I teach SATs and ACTs, so I'm not too concerned about the HESI exam.

In terms of medical experience, I was a clinical rotations student in high school, which allowed us to do rotations in hospitals, nursing homes, and athletic training facilities. In the hospitals, had the opportunity to work in the OR, ER, and Cardiology departments, but again, this was about 9-10 years ago. I also am currently a volunteer musician for a hospice program. Do you think they will take any of this experience in consideration?

Oh, last thing - do you know if being bilingual helps? I speak Mandarin fluently, and have a decent command of Spanish.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated!!

Littlee, first off, I'm sad that you quit NYU! Second of all, nursing is a great profession. As far as GPA is concern, a 3.39 is not bad. If you score super high on the HESI, that will definitely help you get an interview. All your experience will matter once you made it through the first round to the interview (grades and test score determine whether you get one). If you do not get in the first time around with a 3.39 gpa, then you can always reapply (I know this sucks) after retaking those classes you made a C in. This is a low-risk way of saving time, but still a little risky indeed. However, for the classes you made a C in, as long as they are not science classes (esp Anatomy and Physiology), I think you should go ahead and apply. Making A's in science classes is a definite plus. With that being said, I don't think a 3.39 gpa is bad at all--and make sure that this gpa is only of your nursing prereqs, b/c your college cumulative does not matter as much.

Hope this helps.


Thanks so much for your reply! I do think I will apply as soon as I can and see what happens. It can't hurt to see what they say...


Thank you for your advice! This thread is really helpful!

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