Fall 2014 SSC/UCF Concurrent Program

U.S.A. Florida


Alright, I know it's early but...who is planning on applying to the Fall 2014 SSC/UCF Concurrent program? I just finished my prerequisites today and I'm so excited to get going. I am planning on taking the TEAS for the first time in January so hopefully I'll do well.

One question I have is what should I do during the spring semester? I completed my AA degree as of today but unfortunately, my family kind of relies on my FA money to get by. I'm wondering if there is an AS degree I can enroll in so that I'm still eligible for FA until the nursing program starts. I saw something for Health Information Technology that might work. Anyway, just thought I'd see who else is applying and if anyone else is in the same financial situation as me.

I hope to get to know some of you soon!

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Hello everyone

i am new to this forum.First of all congratulation to all of those who got into the program. I want to apply for spring 2015 for concurrent program. Could you please tell me what were your actual gpa, recalculated gpa and teas score? Thank you.

Hi there! If you read through the whole thread I believe a few of us posted that information already. My overall GPA was a 3.7, my recalculated GPA was a 3.7, and my teas score was a 94. I also know someone that got in whose GPA was only a 3.1 and had a teas score of 78 so there was a pretty broad range of grades and scores that were accepted. I also know that no one that had not already finished their associates degree got in.

Thank you so much for providing me an invaluable information. I finished all my prerequisites in fall 2013 but I will get my associate degree only this summer 2014. So far, I have recalculated GPA 3.8 and overall GPA 3.9. Hopefully, I will maintain this GPA in summer as well. My TEAS score is only 83. So do you think I have good chances to get into the program in this Spring? What else they will look at selection process??

Hi Kirsten,

Did they get into concurrent program? What was the overall GPA?

I got in even though I was completing my AA this Spring under the condition that I obviously had to complete it. 3.9 overall, 3.87 Prereq and an 88 on the TEAS (should have studied more).

In my experience, it seems like you have a good chance at getting in. It really all depends on the applicant pool when it is your time to apply. When you go to the information session they will likely tell you that they are looking for students that have everything ready to go, meaning, 3.0 GPA or higher, TEAS score of 78 or higher, all pre-reqs completed, and a completed Associate's degree. It sounds to me like you will have all of those things done so you should be in good shape.

There is a ton of information in this thread about this subject. Take a little time to read it through, I'll bet you'll find the answers to your questions.

BikerNurse2B- That's interesting. A friend of mine who had an issue with her application was told by Luisa Meija that no one was admitted that hadn't completed their Associates degree. On second thought, it's possible that she said that no one was admitted that hadn't completed their pre-reqs, I can't find the messages where she relayed the message to me. Either way, glad you made it in. :)

I'm sure it helped me that my pre-reqs have been done for what feels like a century (just the way I scheduled my coursework). Thank you--and I'm sorry your friend ran into problems and I hope she gets her issues resolved and can pursue her dream soon. The application process isn't easy... but that should help prep us all for the complexities of the actual program, huh? ;)

Yes, she will be applying next semester. The application process was definitely a little complicated, but not nearly as complicated as all of the stuff we're trying to get done now before the program starts. I think the immunizations are probably the trickiest, and likely the most expensive.

I agree getting the immunizations done is a pain. I am trying to find the cheapest route to get them done. I have already done fingerprinting, drug screen etc. Also, I was finishing up my AA courses in the spring semester and got into the program as well. So, it most likely was the pre-req's .

I'm not sure if you're a member of the FB group for our class yet but someone let us know that Centra Care in Altamonte gives a discount to SSC nursing students. Their discounted prices are quite a bit cheaper than the Seminole County Health Department where I had been getting them previously.

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