Fall 2017 Century College (or MANE) Applicants out there?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I dropped off my application for the fall 2017 (MANE) Century College nursing program. Anyone else? Let's start a conversation here about getting in!

Eva2015, I've followed threads on here where people got in with lower scores. It just all depends on the scores for that application cycle. Fingers crossed ☺

Eva 2015 I agree with Fefee! I believe I've seen people in the 10s for composite scores get in! Don't lose hope.

Hey all!!! I applied to Normandale with 11.39 and NHCC with 11.60. I also applied to MCTC, but not sure of my composite... March 15 is sooooo far away!

I applied to NHCC with 11.46, to century college with 11.6 and MCTC ( not sure about their scoring system ). NHCC is my first pick !!!

I'm going to be working a lot to save up money so I don't have to work while in the program so that's going to keep my kinda busy lol but March does seem sooooo soooo far away.

I'm applying at Century only with a 12.1 and hoping it's good enough! Anyone know what their scores typically are?

To : 8130

You have a really good score I would be really surprised if they don't accept you. I'm not completely sure about their scores but when I talked to my nursing advisor at NHCC she told me that all the MANE programs take around the same scores like mid 11s and higher.

Thanks for the encouragement FayFay94! I'm hoping the best for all of us here on this thread.

8130, 12.1 is a great score anywhere. Our composite scores are so different everywhere. I'm at 11.8 for Normandale and 11.33 for Century and Metro. They're on the lower end but I applied anyway. I have an A in A&P 1 and 2 but unfortunately, those are second semester courses everywhere except for Normandale and they don't count for application. I guess we'll all know in March. I also applied to Rochester and Minnesota West. Fingers crossed. I'm getting in somewhere! Lol.

Good luck everyone!!!!!! I can't wait to hear back. I live a few hours from the cities so my letters will probably come a day or two later than surrounding TC area... :(

Good luck lysser. Where are you?

Southern Wisconsin! Originally from MN so looking to move back there this summer! :)

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