Fall 2017 ADN MSMU (LA)

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi Everyone!

I did not see a thread for Fall 2017 Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) cohort for Mount Saint Mary's University-Los Angeles, I was wondering if anyone has applied for next fall! Feel free to share your grades stats, teas score, interview updates or ANY sort of updates from the school! I look forward to interacting with you all!!

Have you checked if you admission changed from accepted to student?

Mines did

Did you pay your deposit?

@jcelly You should pay your deposit, I am almost 100% certain you're in due to the admission status saying "accepted".

Just curious now, do any of you guys have a bachelor's already?

When did you guys get your letters in the mail? Because I also check by looking online but I have not received the letter. When I contacted to main office they said letters will be sent later this month...

I asked if the online admission status was reliable and they told me the same thing... "wait for the letter in the mail." I don't think they can disclose admission status over the phone haha... but I'm still going to pay my deposit today.

I have my bachelor's, so I wonder what the class load will be like for me. Also, I just paid my deposit... How long does it take for the status to change from accepted to student??

I'm not sure, I paid then the next day I checked the admission status. That's when I noticed it changed from accepted to student.

I don't think they would have lost all of our letters though.

True, I'd call and ask them again. Just say that you heard the deadline for paying the deposit is the 23rd and you don't want to miss it while waiting for the letter.

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