Published Mar 12, 2013
7 Posts
Hello! I browse this site here and there and really find members' responses helpful and encouraging most of the time. I'm now in need of a little bit of advice and motivation myself.
I am currently in my second semester of a two-year RN program. So far, we have had two quizzes. The first quiz was worth 10% and the math quiz worth 5%. Unfortunately I completely BOMBED both quizzes... with a 50% on the first one, and a 40% on the math. It seems I studied all the wrong topics and really went into the first quiz underprepared. However I did study for hours on end and completed lots of practice questions. Failing math is rare for me.. I think I just got caught up on details and unfortunately overanalyzed the questions (no excuses though!). So as of right now my overall average is below a 50. Yikes.
My question is this-- should I keep going? My performance in clinical is great. I have passed all my skill exams and the first clinical performance exam flawlessly. I truly love this field.. my passion is definitely there. I commit about 12-14 hours a week studying, completing practice questions and taking notes. But I'm left wondering if I can bounce back from this horrible start. I need a 70 to pass the semester. I'm just curious if maybe I'd be better withdrawing and (trying) to come back next year for a fresh start?
I have met with my instructors and the director of the program. I have blatantly asked them if they think I should give up.. but of course I don't receive a direct answer. Ever. Instead I am encouraged to study more, join study groups, get extra help, etc. All of which I have done.
Maybe I'm just looking for someone to relate to, or maybe I really do need to hear the truth.. whether it be good or bad. Has anyone else been here? I'm sure many nursing students have failed a test or two.. but a 50% and 40% is pretty bad. Thank you everyone!
1,163 Posts
I don't think you should quit, just learn how to study effectively. You sound like you want to quit though so maybe you have something else going on?
255 Posts
Do NOT quit!!!! Nothing that is worth having ever came easily. You can still pass the class. As far as questions on quizzes/exams..... Remember that most of the time, professors give you way more information than is needed to answer the question. Think of it this way, when you have done an assessment and received lab results it is up to you to recognize what information is important. Personally, when presented with a scenario in an exam I look at the question first, then I pick out the needed info. Our professors give us info about a patient, the assessment, labs and med orders then ask a question.
There are also all kinds of help with nursing classes online, much of it is available through the books that you are required to buy for class.
4,161 Posts
You need a 74.2 or better on the rest of the tests/quizzes/assignments. Fortunately, the first test and quiz were only worth 15% of your grade. If you choose to continue in the class, here is how you determine how you are doing:
You need 70 to pass the class
50 x.10= 5
40 X.05= 2
so far you have 7 points towards the 70 you need.
you need 63 more points. 74.2 X .85= 63.1
zoe92, I definitely don't want to quit! I apologize if my question came across that way. I want this more than anything.. I'm just wondering if I can numerically rebound from my rough start.
PalmHarborMom and Don1984 -- thank you for your words of encouragement! It means a lot to hear. I am going to look into the online resources available through the books I've purchased. And PalmHarborMom, you have a point about choosing which information is important in each scenario. I think a lot of the times I waste time on the unimportant parts of the questions. Thanks again!!
2,723 Posts
I don't think you should throw in the towel...I honestly don't see the logic. If you aren't cutting it grade-wise, you'll fail out. If you get better, you'll stay. Unless you hate nursing in general, dropping out seems a bit premature. You've only done 15% of your work so far!
5 Posts
Ok.. Out of the 15% you only got 7% so you lost out on 8 points which leaves you with a 92. That means you only have 22 points left to miss so of course you shouldn't give up! So technically if you got 100s on the rest of your exam, the highest grade you can get is a 92
100-15 = 85 (the 15 comes from the 2 quizzes)
92-70 = 22 (I got 92 because you lost out on 8 points and I used 70 because it's the score you need to pass the semester)
85-22 = 63 more points to pass!
6 Posts
If you truly have a passion for nursing, don't quit! You still have an opportunity to pass the class, so take this as a learning experience. Try some different study methods and ask questions if you an unsure about the test material. Don't let anything stand in the way or delay your dreams! You can do this! Good Luck :-)
Whatever you do, keep going forward and don't give up!! Meet with instructors, ask for help. Utilize resources and other students. I have seen classmates dig out of deep holes and pull it off, and you can too!!!