FAILED the NCLEX 3x! HOW to pass?!


HELP. ? I have failed the NCLEX 3x now and it’s DEVASTATING every time I failed. I need insights and positive feedback on those who have failed several times too who can tell me what you guys used to pass.

Couple things about me, I’ve been out of school since 2017! I understand that’s a factor in which may make this test more difficult for me too. I’m also just a C average in school- so def worked my butt super hard to finish nursing school...

How I studied: used UWorld the first time (7mos after graduated) but was going through sister’s lung transplant so didn't put too much time studying. It took a hard hit so I didn’t hit the books again until this year and retook it Feb 2020, using the Kaplan book only- failed again. I honestly didn’t like the book, felt like it didn’t have much info in it. After failing, I immediately re-registered (took it yesterday). This time, I used UWorld again (I actually really like UWorld), LaCharity PDA + Mark Klimeks audios. Listened to MK twice but failed again! Heard great things about Mark but when I tested yesterday, majority of my test was rarely on what he taught! This time, my test consisted of at least 20-25 SATAs and on meds I swear I’ve never heard of before (at least not in school)... felt like I had less prioritization q’s this time VS my 1st and 2nd time. I got a lot more med q’s this time too and also felt like it tested me on meds I’ve never heard of (which is one of my weakest subjects) and content I haven’t seen since since school (nothing Mark taught).

For those who aren’t strong test takers, those who are NOT an A and B student in nursing school, those who been out of school for so long, and those who failed more than TWICE- how did you pass boards and what did you use? What’s also good for content review?

A lot of it is based on critical thinking. Memorization only gets you so far. Solid knowledge helps the critical thinking process. I took mine a long time ago but I never used any test prep- just my textbooks. I also wrote test questions for NCLEX -PN once. It is a complex process even writing them.

I was fortunate in that our school taught us and tested us in the same way those questions were written from day 1 and we did have 100% pass rate. It is very stressful and that can distract you from really reading the questions and every single one of the answers.

I would say you are lacking a solid baseline knowledge. I would hit the books again. Test prep only gets you so far- it teaches you to be a smarter test taker. But that knowledge has to be in your head. What are your weak areas? What did you struggle the most with- on the NCLEX and in school? If you have no idea where to start, start there.

It is hard to think about hitting the books, but every time I have changed work areas I have dragged out my books- just to review. I replaced them with newer books over the years, but even now, I find it helpful to have a med-surg book around for reference.

You cannot remember everything forever. Much of that nursing school knowledge was in short-term memory to get you through the tests. But you have to know enough to function as a nurse. If someone has TB or is pregnant or you see a child with Chickenpox, even if that is not your primary area, you have to be able to know what to look for and what to do for it.

I would read and review and then take a little time- not too much- to settle your brain before you test again. We are all subject to the limits of our own abilities, but the C student can be a better nurse than the one who got straight A's but lacks common sense.

Sorry to hear that you failed NCLEX. If its content that you're missing then you should give the virtual trainer from Remar Nurse a try. It's a comprehensive review focused on content and based off of the NCLEX test plan can. Good luck and don't give up

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