failed nclex

Nursing Students NCLEX


took the exam today but honestly saying i failed the exam. Am so desperate and down now dont know wht to do.......God help me

I have it as a software. :)

my email is [email protected]

Sent! Good Luck!

how many questions did you have to answer? i am taking it in 2 days i'm so scared

I did 75 questions with 15-20 SATA, some drugs, priority and 1 exhibit. What study guides are you using?

i took the Don Anderson NCLEX review course that was a week in MA, now doing nclex 4000 questions, prep u questions (lippincott source my nursing schoool made us get), i also did questions and read from KAPLAN nclex-rn strategies practice and review 2011-2012 and i bought a book on prioritization, delegation, and assignment (but these questions are extremely difficult for me). i am getting between 50-60% on my practice tests and am taking NCLEX in 2 days so this kind of freaks me out. Advice/suggestions?

You have quite a comprehensive list. I think you should stick to the guide as your exam is coming in 2 days. Just take it easy the day before and not cramming all the information in your brain. I was adviced to relax and do things that make me happy and....have a good night rest! Make you feel good about yourself and face the NCLEX "devil" with confidence! Remember understand the questions before reading the answer. I repeatly reading the questions till I understand it and a few times for the answers too.

My first time mistakes: I freak out, didnt read the questions properly, jump into conclusion, knowledge deficit, not taking breaks. trust me, 265 questions in 3 hours is bad.

2nd attempt: relax, read in details, confidence (although not too much), happy to see SATA questions.

Let me say this I have been need to calm down....and make a schedule....go over each system more than a week or so...then do questions....but dont beat yourself up...I know its hard but its not the end of the world....and so many nurses had to retake....I hope this is helpful.

do u want to review ncsbn with me? i found it very helpful on my first take of exam even though i can say that they have an easy level questions but if u really get their rationale it will lead u to difficult questions in nclex.

and if u have saunders cd and la charity book it resembles the nclex exam. only if i had read this website before i think i would have had pass on my first take :cry: this website is also a great help since they have mneumonics.

what is ur email add so that we can be chat review buddies on skype.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

I'm sorry you failed. Give yourself a day or two to mourn. Then get right back on the horse and start preparing for the next attempt. When you get the analysis in the mail, see what areas you were weak on and work on them.

Also evaluate how you studied for this exam to determine if changes need to be made for the next. I don't know how you studied since you didn't post much about it, but did you study every day or only a few days a week? Did you put off studying and then try to cram the last day/week before the exam? Was all you did was take tests and not bother to review any content?

You need to study daily (or almost daily). It doesn't have to be several hours each day, but regular daily studying in small doses goes a lot further than all-day sessions one or two days a week. You also need to review subject areas to (and as well as) learn how to critically answer questions, instead of only answering questions by the thousands in the hopes that some of them will appear on the actual test.

Best of luck on your next attempt!

Specializes in Psychiatric, Orthopedics.

I'm sorry to hear that. Go ahead and mourn for awhile, and when the time is right you just gotta get back up again, and fight back. I know it sounds cliche but retaking doesn't define who you are and what you'll be like as a nurse in the future. Ask yourself, "What were the review methods I used? Did they benefit me? Do I need to study in a different, more organized way? Is panic my number one enemy?" Revise your studying habits if you can, and take away all that doubt you have.

Failure is such a b*tch, and you will only lose if you give up and not go back.Cus one day you're gonna climb that Nclex mountain with pride and finally say, "I just whooped that Nclex down baby! " :)

Actually I used Kaplan but tht exam was different...heard 12 sata,priority,math question,exhibit and did 88....whn I did Pearson cue trick it took me to the page to pay.....I haven't heard anything from the board so mad but hope I calm down....and accept it.

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