Published Sep 23, 2017
1 Post
Good Day All,
I used Uworld and Failed on my 1st attempt after 76 questions Sept 2017.. My question iswhen is it a good time to start back my studies?
Background: graduated jan 2016 and had brain attack Feb 2016 a month later. Still in rehab extensive program but want to get on with my life so i started my studies this summer...
Dont feel totally ready but pressured to be successful in my eyes.
Any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance you and I are amazing folks indeed!
RNfindingherway, BSN, RN
799 Posts
Oh my sorry about the brain attack. Please take care of yourself. Failing the NCLEX is not the end of the world though it may feel like it. Please feel free to study again when you get over the 5 DABDA (Kublor Ross) stages. My Dear, please don't give up because the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong but to those that endures. Take care of yourself and I hope this helps.