Failed clinical just before the two weeks of graduation


Hello All – I need your help regarding my clinical dismissal just before the two weeks of my graduation. My instructor failed me because of not reporting the safe vital signs which I don't agree with her. Sometimes it's very hard to meet the expectations of some of the instructors but I never done anything which put the patient life at risk; however she is very pleased with my passing medicines skills and over all nursing skills. I met the director and dean and both are agree to up help the decision take by instructor. Dean was not from the nursing department and he doesn't have much knowledge what is going on in nursing department. I was not given any prior warning of any dismissal from clinical and never had any issue with my previous clinical instructor. I had discussion with my instructor and director of clinical department after my first clinical day to review the specific events cited by my instructor which I corrected in next clinical days but no written warning handed over to me. But they told to dean that they gave me a verbal warning regard to my first clinical day. According to our student handbook they should provide me written warning and handed over to me. Do you guys think that I should take this case to provost committee for further appeal?

I think something is missing from this story. I've never heard of a student dismissed from a program two weeks before graduation for something as minor as not reporting safe vital signs, even if you were expected to report the vital signs there was no harm even potentially done if the patient was WNL. You said you had received no previous warnings but that's where I'm having a hard time picturing what it was that really caused you to be dropped from the program so close to the end.

You already know if you want to appeal this and I can't imagine why you wouldn't if everything you said here is 100% true and you haven't left out any detail that would change someone's opinion of the outcome. Are you sure you have the entire story laid out here? Was anyone else dismissed in the last two weeks, or a month, and if so for what reason?

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Moved to general nursing student

If the student handbook says they have to give you written warning, then they do.

I think there may be a language comprehension problem here, too.

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