Failed out of BSN program, will another BSN program take me?

Nursing Students Student Assist


Tragic as it may be I failed out of the BSN program at the University of South Alabama. I was in my 4th semester and almost to the end, but med/surg got the best of me (twice). After changing my major I graduated this past May, with my B.A in Communication/Public Relations.

However, I still have the RN bug eating at me. I really wish to be a nurse. Is there any schoool in the U.S. that accepts students who have previoiusly failed a BSN program, into their BSN program? I have considered taking the ADN to BSN track, but if I could get back into a BSN program that would save me alot of time and money. I know I could do it if I tried. I got my GPA back up to a 3.1 and I believe after doing some growing up and handling some personal issues Im ready to try again.

Can any one PLEASE PLEASE give me the name of some schools that I could try to apply to.


I'm so sorry this happened to you! It happened to me as well back in 2006. I was only in my 2nd semester, though. I was heart broken and thought I wanted to go into something else but nursing has always been on my mind. I am now working on getting my gpa back up in hopes of getting accepted again.

Specializes in Medical Surgical/Addiction/Mental Health.

You mentioned that you took the course twice. Does that school have a policy that after two times, you were permanently out of the program? If not, then I would look at the school again as most of your credits may not transfer. It is true about the competitiveness of the accelerated programs. There were fourteen of us selected out of almost two hundred fifty applicants. I believe there are schools out there that are more forgiving. You will just have to research and send e-mails explaining your situation and ask if someone with your background is competitive enough to get into the program.

Good luck to you! I wouldn’t give up. There have been plenty of nurses who failed out and got back in. Those same nurses are some of the really good ones on the floor too.

Hello JayPo,

I heard that USA is considering implementing something to enable students who have failed out of their program to be re-admitted. I think that it is still up in the air. So if I was you I would check with Mrs. Bowman. Let me know what you find out! Good Luck : )

Your best bet is to meet with the director of the program you failed out of and try to apply for readmission. Be honest and straightforward about why you think you failed and what you intend to do differently this time around. If your grades were good up until then then you might just have a chance. Good luck!!

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