failed boards


Can anyone tell me if they failed boards in FLORIDA 3 times, then retest in another state, (GA.), and then take the remedial class to be able to practice here? I have taken nclex 3 times, and because of family issues and money (remedial class is like $1200.00), I can't do the remedial class until next year, so I am hoping take the NCLEX in Ga (much cheaper) and then worry about the remedial class in Fl. I've sent my money and application to the Ga BON, so I'm just about set to sit for them again...

Just wondering if anyone has done this? I know this seems insane, but you can't retest in FL until after remedial class once you fail three times. And God, please no, if for some reason I did test again in FL, and fail, I've heard (all rumor) that you cannot test again in FL... EVER... :bugeyes:

So, rambling on... Has anyone done this? Any thoughts and advice would be great.

THANKS... Hoping to retest December or the first two weeks in Jan... I will be a nurse. I will be a nurse. I will be a nurse...:D

Any thoughts anyone? Thanks...

Specializes in LTC.

Have you given yourself time? I would ask Silverdragon or Suzanne they are the most help to everyone on this site.

Why are you going to go for licensure in Georgia if you are not going to be working there at all? It is not going to help you at all if you need to meet the requirements for Florida to be able to get licensed there in the first place.

I personally would complete the requirements for Florida and then test for there again. It just makes no sense to me and all you are doing is throwing away the money for licensure in Georgia since it will not aid in you being able to practice in Florida.

Why are you going to go for licensure in Georgia if you are not going to be working there at all? It is not going to help you at all if you need to meet the requirements for Florida to be able to get licensed there in the first place.

I personally would complete the requirements for Florida and then test for there again. It just makes no sense to me and all you are doing is throwing away the money for licensure in Georgia since it will not aid in you being able to practice in Florida.

Thanks for the response. My thought being that I cannot do the remedial class right now (super expensive) and I am pregnant, and the remedial class is classroom and CLINICAL time, 4 months long and is it $1200.00? !!! It is only $40.00 to register with Ga BON as oppossed to FL $150.00, and I can sit for multiple times in GA (jsut shoot me now if more than one more time.) I can ONLY test one more time in FL total, and then that's it... And I have not heard of anyone or should say I have not heard FROM anyone failing more than four times in FL getting there license in FL after that. They have to go out of state then anyway. Or am I wrong? Every time I call the FL board of nursing, I get different answers talking to different people.

This forum does not seem to have too many people on it that have tested as many times as me in FL, at least not too many that talk about it...

So I am trying to keep going... And yes, later on I will have to pay more money to do the remedial class, and yes then transfer of license fees, etc... but at least I'm not waiting around not testing NOW... And the longer it goes on, the harder it seems to get. The boards are a NATIONAL test, so passing in Ga, I am still an RN, I'll just have to then work harder to be able to practice here. Or move my family to Ga for two years, and then they (FL BON) will transer my license.

Input, advice, and encouragement desparately wanted...

Thanks again.

Have you given yourself time? I would ask Silverdragon or Suzanne they are the most help to everyone on this site.

Thanks for the response. Time? Yes... I graduated school in May of 2007... I have tested three times since then. It has now been over 4 months of not even looking at NCLEX books, and longer than that since I've felt like a nurse. And yes... when I'm at work and 'see' the nurses that are working and didn't have any problems with the NCLEX, I KNOW I can be as competent or better nurses than them. ;) Time is not on my side, I know, but enough time has gone by now that I WANT THIS SO BAD...

Thanks for the advice.

Georgia does not have unlimited times to test, about the only ones are CA and NY for unlimited testing.

What you are not considering and need to is the fact that you need to list each and every attempt that you make at the NCLEX exam, this will need to be listed on the application that you make to Florida BON when you are ready for them. And each time that you write the exam will be listed there; no matter the state that you wrote it for.

There still is no reason to go thru Georgia, you are going to have only the one attempt with tme if you wish to ever get a Florida license. I just do not think that you have taken the time to think things thru.

Best of luck to you.

And if you have already written the exam three times, then you seriously need to look at how you have been preparing and make some significant changes as you are only going to have this one chance left. Do not do things to hasty just to try to get them done or you can find that you will not be able to get licensed in your state at all.

Number of attempts at the exam are all attempts in most cases and not specific to the number of times that you would write it for FL since all attempts will be required to be listed.

Georgia does not have unlimited times to test, about the only ones are CA and NY for unlimited testing.

What you are not considering and need to is the fact that you need to list each and every attempt that you make at the NCLEX exam, this will need to be listed on the application that you make to Florida BON when you are ready for them. And each time that you write the exam will be listed there; no matter the state that you wrote it for.

There still is no reason to go thru Georgia, you are going to have only the one attempt with tme if you wish to ever get a Florida license. I just do not think that you have taken the time to think things thru.

Best of luck to you.

And if you have already written the exam three times, then you seriously need to look at how you have been preparing and make some significant changes as you are only going to have this one chance left. Do not do things to hasty just to try to get them done or you can find that you will not be able to get licensed in your state at all.

Number of attempts at the exam are all attempts in most cases and not specific to the number of times that you would write it for FL since all attempts will be required to be listed.

Seriously Suzanne... I know you think I'm doing this the hard way. And after I just read the above statement that you wrote concerning that this would be my last attempt, I just called the FL BON. Either the lady I spoke to is incompetent (no offense) or the FL BON really haven't heard of this before, but when I just told her that after failing boards three times in FL, I am now sitting in GA. Once I pass in GA, what do I need to transfer the license, she JUST FIVE MINUTES AGO, told me I would not have to do the remedial class if I have the license. I again stressed to her, I took boards in FL 3 times, did not pass. I am taking them now in GA. Once I pass what do I do? She said if I HAVE my license they will transfer it. Remedial class NOT needed...

So I ask you, WHAT is the deal. IS there no set rule on this? Why is there different answers within the state board and others concerning licensing?

Really. I do need to slow down and think about this. Thanks for any advice you've given me and will give me. I will be an RN... I will be an RN... just when? And where?

please PM me if you want to or just reply here. Are there any other nurses in FLORIDA that have gone this route? Or am I completely nuts?


PS. I don't know if I'm grasping at straws or what. I just know that I can't give up. When I see all of the people on these boards that have tested 5 - 6 -7 times, I know that I can't give up and it still can be done. I am in no way trying to sound like I have the answers, GOD knows I don't. Only he does, but I know that I have to keep trying, and if I can't get straight answers out of my own states BON, then I have to go other routes. There has to be others out there in FL that have had set backs like this. Can I be the only one? No. Not possible. Thanks!


I have another question. I have a friend who is in the same boat as me. She has taken the NCLEX 3 times and failed. BUT she took it twice in FL and then the third time in GA. She is taking it again this week in GA. She was told that if she passes she can just transfer her license to FL. But if I understand what you are saying, she has still taken the test 4 times, and when she transfers to FL, the BON here will tell her that she too will have to do the remedial class before transfer since she has sat for the test more than three times?

Thanks in advance...

Specializes in LTC.

I understand what you are saying and if it were my decision I would strongly weigh the pros and cons of the situation. Just study hard and prepare as though you haven't seen the test and pray that's all that I can say!!! Good Luck and God bless!! Best wishes for you and your family. I will be praying for you!

FL BON is the one that makes the final decision on this. Knowing that they have just restricted their license issuing to those that trained out of the US, would be very surprised is the remedial course was not a requirement beforehand.

If that is what their ruling is, then whether or not someone writes it for another state should not be even an issue. One must list all of the times that they have tested when they apply for licensure for this very reason.

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