Failed ANCC, now taking AANP (Adult-Gerontology Specialty)

Nursing Students NP Students


Hello fellow nurses,

I am somewhat discouraged right now. I took the ANCC (A/G) exam and failed. I was so close. I literally missed my opportunity by only 2-3 questions! From my personal experience, the ANCC focused primarily on theories and history of nursing, instead of clinical questions. I lost my focus so quickly and was discouraged in between questions 30-50. Ugh!

Now, I am in the midst of studying for the AANP boards. I literally have 1 month and 2 days for this next adventure. I was hoping to connect with those who experienced the same situation as me... in hopes that you all kindly share your success stories on how you passed the AANP (adult/gero primary care) exam.

I have always been a BAD test taker. But the funny thing is, I graduated top of my class (GPA: 4.0), and I excelled in clinical. I have 3 years of RN experience... and yet I still failed myself. Any suggestions is GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thanks, Friends!

ARNP2B (hopefully) :(

Let us know how you do. I take mine next week and tips would be greatly appreciated

I PASSED my AANP exam today!!!! SOOOOOO happy :)

Congrats any helpful hints - taking first of next week! Huge test anxiety - do not like standard test but blow it out in clinicals !

I was super anxious this morning too, but tried to calm myself by positive self talk. the day before the test I did activities like cooking and other projects with my children, i listened to some of my favorite songs and danced to some of them;) Whatever that it takes to reduce the anxiety level.

I attended Fitzgerald's live review course, studied her review book and the workbook that comes with the class, I bought the Q Bank from APEA, bought 2 test sets from AANP-NP and one set of test from AANP. That's pretty what I studied.

If you're reading your book or listening to the CD's and know the material, you're READY to take the test and you'll pass. Just trust in yourself. Good luck to you. Let us know how you do :)

Did you feel the test sets helped and were any on test ? I am reading Barkley and listening to Cd's fine tuning !

Specializes in Internal Medicine.

Hi Coops Mom,

I initially took the ANCC in October and didn't pass. Some background information about me. I graduated top of my class and have never received anything lower than an A- while I was in nursing school. With this said, I am a horrible test taker, however to compensate for my anxiety I study... A LOT, and that's how I managed to do so well in school... now what did I do differently from the October exam versus the AANCPCP January exam? Well, the ANCC exam had little clinical content. I studied as if I were to start an NP position tomorrow... thus, I focused a lot on diagnosis, differentials, 1st line and secondary treatments, management, and f/u's.... This (apparently) was a BAD idea for the ANCC. I SERIOUSLY do not know how ANYONE can study for that awful test. It truly was irrelevant from how one would practice as a clinician. There was a lot of theory and discussion about legalities. Also, the ANCC now has multiple-multiple answers, pictures, listing from most relevant to least relevant, and questions on research... Umm... yeah no thanks!

Now... with AANP, I used the following resources (listed from what I believe was MOST helpful to LEAST):

1. Maria Leik's Intensive Review - (Score: 10/10) MY BIBLE! There truly cannot be any other better resource than the Leik text. I don't care what anyone else says, but without this book, I wouldn't have felt more confident than I did walking into the Prometric testing center. She is an angel. She breaks systems down, provides TONS of questions in the back of the book, gives you hints about the test, and it is written in a way that makes you feel knowledgeable. Wow! Confidence booster, for sure.

2.QUIZLET - (Score: 10/10) In addition to the Leik book, QUIZLET was by BFF for 4 weeks. I enjoyed making flash cards, however I got to a point where I had made well over 400 flashcards and was not even HALF WAY through my studies. So, I decided to make online flashcards with quizlet and it was my saving grace. I downloaded the app on my phone and studied wherever I went. I made all of my flashcards private, because I would literally type Ms. Leik's text book content verbatim onto my quizlet... and feared getting sued for essentially giving her book to the world, for free. And I respected her well enough not to do that (sorry guys). But I would HIGHLY recommend opening an account with quizlet. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!

3. Questions from - (Score: 8/10) I purchased a set of 10 tests, which was plenty already. Each test contains 100 questions and at the end of each test, a score will be provided. >500 is indicative of your passing the AANPCP exam... however, don't be discouraged if you only get "some" tests that pass the 500 points. I seriously was scoring between 480-560 and majority of them were below 500.

4. Fitzgerald Nurse Practitioner Review Book - (Score: 7/10) The book was "OK". It was too in depth for what was needed to pass the test, no joke. The only reason why I studied the Fitz book was because my closest friends in grad school, swore by it. The text is written in a textbook format. It wasn't really personable.

5. Fitzgerald CD's - (Score 6/10) I would say that the CDs would have been more helpful, if I had all the time and coffee in the world to keep me awake. The information provided during each lecture was filled with wonderful content, however, I just couldn't get myself to listen and stay focused. There were many times when the volume would be incredibly loud and then suddenly faint. No bueno. Also, I would suggest either listening to the CD -OR- reading the text... it's the SAME THING.

6. Brown and Dunphy - Review Questions and Strategies (Score: 5/10) If you want to doubt yourself, then by all means purchase this book. If I can turn back time, I wouldn't have touched this book at all. Initially, I thought it was a good idea to buy a book with questions-galore, and this was the only book that provided that. I found questions that had contradicting answers, also topics that are not relevant for the test. Read the reviews in amazon, if you don't believe me. [h=3][/h]Other things I did: Whenever I took a practice exam and got questions wrong, I literally would hand write each question and commit them to memory. I also asked my husband to ask me questions and I (randomly) would blurt out random factoids to family and friends... they all knew I was taking the test and were supportive of my craziness.

The day before the exam: I allowed myself to study for 4 hours (light studying only with my quizlet), I prayed a lot, read versus from the bible, cooked dinner with my husband, visited my parents, took a warm shower, listened to meditative music (thank you Pandora), kept HYDRATED, and slept for 8 hours.

The morning of the exam: I drank coffee, yes it's a diuretic, but I needed it... and it worked because it kept me alert (but that's me), I lightly read some factoids from my quizlet, when I got to the prometric center, I stayed outside for a bit, jogged once around the building to wake myself up to get rid of anxious energy, and took nice deep breaths of fresh air prior to entering the center. I kept telling myself that I was ready and did all I could for this test. I also told myself that if I didn't pass, it'll be alright because there are still plenty of opportunities. I allowed myself to be ok pass or fail, so that I wouldn't be so nervous.

My last bit of advice - Be good to yourself. Meditate, go to movies, study 3-4 hours max per day, stay hydrated, stick to your roots... meaning if you had a ritual that worked for YOU in grad school - stick to it! Also, give yourself PLENTY OF TIME for review. I studied for a solid 5 weeks and still went to work as an RN. It is doable. You can do it, be brave, and believe in yourself! If I can do it, YOU CAN TOO! I look forward to hearing MANY MORE GOOD NEWS on this thread!



ACNP is only through ANCC. I wished I had the option to take AANP. I took and passed on first attempt ACNP ANCC then FNP ANCC (I did ANCC to get them on the same cert place). I am now having to recert ACNP through sitting for board with ANCC (I let it lapse) and I am much more nervous 10 years later. Even though I have been working as NP all this time. Being out of "student mind" is intimidating to me.

Can you share some study tips.



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Any one who has taken the AGNP test with AANP recently?

Please any help I will appreciate it.

For those of you who have taken the ANCC, could you please tell me what study methods or study aids you used that you felt were helpful? Due to my specialty, I will have to take the ANCC. Thanks.

I too have to take the AGACNP exam with ANCC. If there is anyone who can give me any tips on preparing for this exam, please let me know.

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