Faculty positions for nurses in recovery


Specializes in Na.

Does anyone know if nurses in recovery have obtained employment in faculty positions? When a job requirement states "clear license, no stipulations" is it still worth applying and ducussing the monitoring requirements then? Also, does TPAPN view teaching as acceptable work requirement? I know lots of questions but I am trying to get my ducks in a row.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.

Hi Sober! I live in Louisiana, and I know when I was in our RNP we could not. Things may have changed since 1999. I'm sure some states are different. Good luck and let us know what u find out!

Anne, RNC

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

Psych seems to be more recovery-friendly than a lot of other specialties. In addition, depending on what your restrictions are you may be able to find a unit that you can work on. Detox/CD is usually a good place as there are few if any narcotics/controlled substances administered. However, be sure you have a good handle on your own recovery before attempting to work anywhere, let alone detox/CD, as you'll find that not every patient's recovery is going to mirror yours, not every patient is going to learn from their mistakes, not every patient is going to see things the same way you do...hell, not every patient is even going to want recovery period. And you'll have to be OK with all of that.

As far as applying to jobs that say "clear license" IMO you have nothing to lose by applying and seeing what could come of it. After all, the worst that can happen is that they tell you No, which leaves you in the exact same spot as if you didn't apply for the position.

Specializes in Na.

Thanks for the advise. I am not ready yet to work. I could have kept my old position but I knew I needed time to get better. That was a difficult decision because I knew that finding another job was going to be very hard. I completed my MSN in nursing education in January and was planning to try and teach but I guess that will have to wait as well. I wake up every day and feel sick to my stomach, everything comes rushing back to me about my situation. I feel paralyzed. Some days are better but mostly all I feel is shame and anxiety. I am going to meetings and therapy. I need a new sponsor as my previous one actually relapsed. I really want to talk to other nurses such as this forum. I would like some real time conversations though so that is why I am looking for others in my area. I just am trying to keep my chin up and having faith that it is going to get better as so many of you have said in this forum. Thanks for being there.

Sober- hang in there- with time, this will all get better. try to take it easy on yourself- just do the next right thing in front of you- don't look at the whole picture- it's too overwhelming!!! and, if you can- gie it all over to God- helps tremendously!! He takes better care of us than we do ourselves!!


Sober, I felt the same way you do. Learning to forgive myself has been very difficult. I got very overwhelmed thinking about the future- what job, what hours, where will my career be in 5 years, 10 years, how will I make it through BON monitoring! I would almost have an anxiety attack! But I agree with TX, I just had to focus on TODAY. Doing the next right thing Today- staying sober today. It will get better, and this forum is a good resource for support and information! Good luck and hang in there!!

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