what should i expect

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Next week I start school as a pre nursing student at south university and was wondering what should I expect?:confused:

Specializes in Infusion.

What classes are you going to be taking ?

Be prepared to make excellent grades. I am also a pre-nursing student.

The grade point averages needed to get in nursing schools are usually around 3.8

Volunteering and joining a student organization would help possibly.

What classes are you going to be taking ?
as of right now I'm taking algeba, composition 1, and stratgies for success
Be prepared to make excellent grades. I am also a pre-nursing student.

The grade point averages needed to get in nursing schools are usually around 3.8

Volunteering and joining a student organization would help possibly.

thank you
Specializes in CNA.

My advice is to take your prereqs just as seriously as you would your nursing classes. At my school admission is based on how many points we have (the grades we get in our prereqs multiplied by the credit hours and added on with our TEAS scores). I am waiting to find out whether I will be accepted or rejected right now and I am wishing a few of those Bs would have been As for the extra points! Just make sure you try your hardest and you should be fine. :)

Specializes in LTC, Med-surg.

Try your hardest! Nursing school is really tough so the higher the GPA you have going into clinical the better.

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