Excited and Nervous @ the same time!

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


I start the PN program Aug 27th. I'm excited about it, but nervous. I'm praying all goes well...

I start Sept 4th and am feeling the same way! Returning as a mature student and I'm so incredibly excited, and scared silly at the same time!

Best of Luck!!


Congratulations! I wish you the best of luck......

Specializes in hospice, HH, LTC, ER,OR.

Good Luck and study hard :)!

I start September 4th and am also a "mature" student. Have butterflies in my stomach of both excitement and nervousness. I flip back and forth from being scared silly to being giddy with excitement.

Best wishes to everyone!

You'll do fine. Congrats for getting in! Best of luck, try not to miss any classes.

Congrats everyone I start August 8th and excited as well but not nervous yet. I wish everyone the best of luck

Specializes in tbi.

I start Aug 13 at 8am. Are you guys doing anything to prepare

Don't worry Im extremely excited to start!!! Everything seems so positive and im very happy!!! YET Nervous too!!! i think it is a feeling that we will have going through the whole thing!!! But its all in a GOOD WAY!!! :w00t:

Thank you all! and good luck.

I'm excited and fearful too...but everyday that passes will take us one day closer to our goal....I wish all of you the best.

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