Excelsior preceptorship! I think they need one.


I have just finished excelsior college program and I was wondering if they have any thing in the works for a preceptorship program like ISU. If this was the case then Excelsior would stop running into the problems that they are having. I wan't to be able to transfer my license to any state that I would like, If they started a preceptorship program I think it would get rid of all these problems with the BONS. Do you think we need to petition the school to start this? I would do the preceptorship if I knew I was going to be accepted in every state.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I don't think EC's program is set up to do this. I asked about it once, and was told that EC's program is evaluative, not instructive.

I don't want to be precepted. I'm already a nurse, thankyouverymuch.

I chose Excelsior because I didn't have to sit around for hours a week learning nothing, which was what my previous clinicals in school were.

I heard some students from Oklahoma that actually have "clinical" hours that they must complete before they sit for their boards. That's how Oklahoma students can still get the degree from Excelsior. There was a thread about it a few months back.

I agree that Excelsior should offer a preceptorship to the states that are having problems with their graduates. The ones who don't have a problem should be left untouched. I wish California would do what Oklahoma is doing and offer clinical options along with the CPNE (which Oklahoma must still do). If you're an LVN/LPN you've already been checked off for clinical skills from your program, why should you have to be checked off again? I can understand doing a check off for IV push for states who don't allow LVN/LPN to do that even with IV certification. In my state there are things that an LVN can't do that an RN can do and yes, they should be checked off on those procedures, but everything else should be left untouched because the graduate obviously did it while in LVN/LPN school. Again, this goes for the states that are having problems.

I'm wondering if students who are having a problem with Excelsior can go through the program through Oklahoma and do their clinicals there. Then take the RN exam there in Oklahoma and then either endorse to their home states or take the NCLEX. I'd be willing to do it if it's possible. But everytime I try to call California BON no luck getting through. Anybody else have any other ideas?

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
I heard some students from Oklahoma that actually have "clinical" hours that they must complete before they sit for their boards. That's how Oklahoma students can still get the degree from Excelsior. There was a thread about it a few months back.

Oklahoma students have to pass two precepted 30-hour experiences in psych and OB. They're not the full gamut of clinical hours.

Specializes in Uromycetisis Poisoning.
Oklahoma students have to pass two precepted 30-hour experiences in psych and OB. They're not the full gamut of clinical hours.

Are the precepted clinicals sponsored by EC, or a school/hospital in the students' local areas in Oklahoma?

I agree, the CPNE should be considered adequate to meet any state's clinical requirements, but I guess it's hard for others to truly appreciate the rigor of the CPNE unless you've actually had to endure it. To them, it's like, "you only went to clinical for ONE weekend?!" If a lawmaker in Georgia who is also a Masters-prepared RN can't seem to wrap her mind around the concept of the CPNE, how do we convince everyone else? I just think that whatever is necessary should be done in order for EC graduates to be accepted in every state, be it the CPNE or even precepted clinicals.

Anyway, before I started rambling, I just wanted to know how this works in Oklahoma.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
Are the precepted clinicals sponsored by EC, or a school/hospital in the students' local areas in Oklahoma?

Here I'll admit the limits of my concrete knowledge. :D According to the istudysmart site, which is pretty accurate as far as I can tell, the clinicals are administered by EC before a student can graduate. The istudysmart page is here:


But I take all information that is NOT directly from EC with a grain of salt.

Unfortunately this is not the way that it works. I live in Colorado, where there is a clinical requirement prior to sit for the boards. This has turned out to be a VERY LARGE problem. The state board only requires that the application be completed to start the hours. They do not provide any contacts for how one is to set this up. I have started another thread with the problems that I have encountered. In Colorado the program is approved, but the board is unaware of any students who have completed the program since the clincal requirement was implemented.

Excelsior is not involved in the clinical placement for its students at all, they won't even provide any information about where other students in your state have gone to complete the clinical requirements.

This seems to be a program that is approved for political reasons with no regard to the reality of being able to complete it.

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